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That's why we left; though, as it happened, the match missed fire. But the powder's there, and if you'll wait a few minutes now you'll not be disapp'inted. 'You left the child behind! 'Well, we left in a hurry, as I tell you, and somehow in the hurry nobody brought him along. I'm sorry for the poor little devil, too. The fellow swung about. 'See him there at the window, now!

"If you ain't goin' up to the Cobdens, ye kin, can't ye? This storm made everything late and the mail got in after she left. There ain't nobody comin' out to-day and here's a pile of 'em furrin' most of 'em. I'd take 'em myself if the snow warn't so deep. Don't mind, do ye? I'd hate to have her disapp'inted, for she's jes' 's sweet as they make 'em."

But don't raise any high hopes, or you may be sorely disapp'inted." "Oh, I came for a good time," replied Tom, in an off-handed a manner as possible. Presently John Barrow had to get out of the wagon to fix something on the harness. While he was doing this Dick leaned over to his two brothers. "Don't say anything about the map to anybody," he whispered. "We'll keep that a secret for the present."

"Wal, yis, 'tis hard sleddin' for the deacon drefful hard sleddin. Wal, naow, s'pose you're disapp'inted shouldn't wonder jes' so. Eddication's a good thing, but 'taint the only thing naow; folks larns a sight rubbin' round the world and then they make money.

"'Thank you, thank you, thank you! she yells as the boat flies down the flume. "I seed Jud blow a kiss to her, an' I knowed she was happy as a bird. She was a-singin' aroun' the shanty all day, an' at supper she done nothin' but talk, talk, talk about that there pianner. "'Don't be so awful gay, Miss. Hemenway, says I, for I was afeard she might be disapp'inted. 'Yeh ain't got it yet.

Poor, dear, Lizzy! as if that were an unheard-of pang! as if nine-tenths of her accusers were not "disapp'inted" themselves, some before, some after marriage, some in themselves, some in their children, some in their wretched, dreary lives! But there was only one John and only one heart-break present to her vision.

"W'en Mars Dugal' hearn 'bout de ham, he say he wuz might'ly 'ceived en disapp'inted in Dave. He say he wouldn' nebber hab no mo' conferdence in no nigger, en Mars Walker could do des ez he wuz a mineter wid Dave er any er de res' er de niggers.

"To settle up the estate, I reckon." "In a way, yes. I suppose you have heard about that lost mine?" "What, the Landslide? Sure. An' she's gone fer good, lad; don't bank on ever findin' it ag'in, for if you do, well, I think ye'll be disapp'inted." And Tom Dillon shook his head slowly. "You really think it can't be found?" asked Dave. "I ain't sayin' that. But chances are all ag'in it.

"You're wonderful handsome, and enticing, and pleasing to look on, Judith!" he exclaimed, in his simplicity, as fact resumed its ascendency over fancy. "Wonderful! I don't remember ever to have seen so beautiful a gal, even among the Delawares; and I'm not astonished that Hurry Harry went away soured as well as disapp'inted!"

A lot uv wicked hopes wuz disapp'inted when you give him that slash in the side, an' then broke his sword." "I did better than I expected," replied Paul briefly, "but the result is not likely to endear us to Captain Alvarez." "Ef I'd been keepin' the right kind uv a watch," said Long Jim, "this wouldn't have happened. We could a' got 'The Gall-yun' out in the stream an' away."