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Now let us see what it is that you have lost." Then he turned to his confederates, as Thomas called them, and began to ask them questions which need not be set out in detail. Was it an animal that the Little Flower had lost? No, it was not an animal, the Spirits told him that it was not. Was it an article of dress?

I had been two or three times going to give a detail of our wealth, but it will appear incredible, and we had the greatest difficulty in the world how to conceal it, being justly apprehensive lest we might be assassinated in that country for our treasure.

His clear sight no longer distorted by sentiment had come back; he saw everything in its just proportion his duty, the plantation, the helpless freedman threatened by lawless fury; the two women no longer his one tantalizing vision, but now only a passing detail of the work before him.

Graham interrupted. "How many are there?" "Oh, a whole troup of them." "That's a funny story," the woman commented dubiously, searching the face of her visitor for an explanation of his, to her, queer statements. "Not at all so funny when you hear it in detail," Langford returned quietly. "Well hurry up with the details," the impatient Mrs. Graham demanded.

Spread out over the human body was that of the monster. Now he could make out almost every detail of its hideous shape, the convulsive working of the frightful tentacles as it devoured its lifeless prey. He could stand it no longer. His brain was bursting; he must do something. Raising his voice he shouted shouted as assuredly he had never shouted in his life.

Gustavus Brander about 100 years ago, and sold by him to Lord Radnor. As is the case with Flemish wood-carving, it is often difficult to identify German work, but its chief characteristics may be said to include an exuberant realism and a fondness for minute detail. M. Bonnaffé has described this work in a telling phrase: "l'ensemble est tourmenté, laborieux, touffu tumultueux."

He wished he had stayed, however, when he returned to find that a visitor had called, and that this visitor was the mother of the little boy that Harry Lossing had saved from the car. The two women gave him the accident in full, and were lavish of harrowing detail, including the mother's feelings. "So you see, 'Raish," urged Mrs.

Without laughter, scolding, or praise I should take him away, willing or no, before he could see this result, or at least before he could think about it; and I should make haste to turn his thoughts to other things, so that he would soon forget all about it. I do not propose to enter into every detail, but only to explain general rules and to give illustrations in cases of difficulty.

Even this one could not be passed while those mysterious guns of unknown range and infallible aim were sweeping the sky, ready to hurl their silent lightnings in every direction. Ascend they dare not. To descend was to be destroyed in detail as they lay helpless upon the earth. There was only one chance of escape, and that was to scatter.

She had already, alone as she was, accomplished some of these, and the work on which I found her employed, was her mother's shroud. My heart sickened at such detail of woe, which a female can endure, but which is more painful to the masculine spirit than deadliest struggle, or throes of unutterable but transient agony.