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God A'mighty, girl, doan' cry dat-a-way. What is wrong, tell me." Sympathy even of this sort was balm to a woman wholly unnerved. Josephine found her head on the old negro woman's shoulder. "Now you jus' lay right quiet, Ma'am," went on Sally.

H'it dat-a-way, Mars' George, suh, h'it jess natch'ly dat-a-way in dishyere world day, night, mo' day. What de Bible say? Life, def, mo' life, suh. When we's daid we'll sho' find it dat-a-way." Cato at my bedside with basin, towel, and razor, a tub of water on the floor, and the sun shining on my chamber wall. These, and a stale taste on my tongue, greeted me as I awoke.

He didn' hab no wife, no chile, no frien's, no marster he'd be'n willin' ernuff to git 'long widout a marster, w'en he had one, but it 'peared lak a sin fer his own marster ter 'ny 'im an' cas' 'im off dat-a-way.

En I tole 'im ef he 'd des be patien', de time would sho'ly come w'en eve'ything would be straighten' out, en folks would fine out who de rale rogue wuz w'at stole de bacon. Dave 'peared ter listen ter w'at I say, en promise' ter do better, en stop gwine on dat-a-way; en it seem lack he pick' up a bit w'en he seed dey wuz one pusson did n' b'lieve dem tales 'bout 'im.

"You bloodthirsty old villain," Bob laughed. "Don't you know that gentlemen now go to law in adjusting their differences?" Uncle Zack stood a moment looking at the rifle, apparently in retrospective reverie. Finally he observed: "I spec dat's right. Dey may 'just dey diff'ences wid deyse'ves dat-a-way, but dey sholy make 'em 'parrent to de neighbors.

Tom had hardly ceased speaking, when, from around the turn in the road proceeded a voice, and, at the sound of it all three started, for the voice was saying: "Now it ain't no use fer yo' to act dat-a-way, Boomerang. Yo' all ain't got no call t' git contrary now, jest when I wants t' git home t' mah dinner. I should t'ink you'd want t' git t' de stable, too.

"Spec' you better see Miss Celia 'fo' you ax dis here gin'ral." "I'm going to ask her now," said the boy. "She certainly will be glad to see one of our own men. Who cares if all the niggers have run off? We're not ashamed and, anyhow, you're here to bring in the decanters for the general." "Shoo, honey, you might talk dat-a-way ef yo' pa wuz in de house," grumbled the old man.

'Wush I may die ef I tells a soul, says I. "Dave look' at me des lack he wuz lookin' thoo me en 'way on de yuther side er me, en sezee: "'Did yer knowed I wuz turnin' ter a ham, Julius? "I tried ter 'suade Dave dat dat wuz all foolishness, en dat he oughtn't ter be talkin' dat-a-way, hit wa'n't right.

Dat awful 'scape keeps runnin ebin in my dreams. Bress de good Lawd dat brung Marse Houghton right dar in time!" "Missy Ella an' Marse Houghton oughter hab dey own way now, shuah," Sissy remarked. "I reckon dey will," Aun' Sheba answered. "Missy Ella look kin'er dat-a-way.

"We'll find the means to get the pipe out of his mouth," said the other, looking askance at the black, as if to express more than he uttered. "Romance and pretty girls play the deuce with our philosophy, in youth, as thou knowest by experience, old Cupid." "I no good for any t'ing, dat-a-way, now, not'ing," calmly returned the black.