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What was the reason he didn't go abaout to taown-meetin's, 'n' Sahbath-meetin's, 'n' lyceums, 'n' school-'xaminations, 'n' s'prise-parties, 'n' funerals, and other entertainments where the still-faced two-story folks were in the habit of looking round to see if any of the mansion-house gentry were present? Fac' was, he was livin' too lonesome daown there at the mansion-haouse.

So the scouts kept giving their views, while Johnny swung there, vainly trying to reach up and catch hold of the limb, with the turkeys twittering, and showing more or less alarm. "Elmer, git me daown outen this, please!" begged the prisoner. "But how can we do it, Johnny, when we don't know the combination of the racket?" demanded Lil Artha.

Them girls give yeou up so easy, 'cause they never loved yeou, an' yeou give them up 'cause yeou only thought abaout their looks an' money. I'm humly, an' I'm poor; but I've loved yeou ever sence we went a-nuttin' years ago, an' yeou shook daown fer me, kerried my bag, and kissed me tew the gate, when all the others shunned me, 'cause my father drank an' I was shably dressed, ugly, an' shy.

Ye see, ez I wuz a sayin, bills is baoun tew come daown anyhow ony if they comes daown regler, cordin tew law, everybody'll know what t'expect, and nobody won' lose nothin." "Praps the convenshun what's a sittin up tew Lenox'll rekummen them bills," hopefully suggested a farmer who had been taking in Ezra's wisdom with open mouth.

"I guess I better write that daown before I fergit it," he remarked a few moments later, as he started towards the house, his hands clasped behind his back and his gaze riveted upon space. Some great thought was evidently about to be transferred to paper.

Women's wages can't be expected to do more than feed and clothe 'em, as a gineral thing, with a little savin', in case of sickness, and to bury 'em, if they break daown, as all of 'em are liable to do at any time. If I a'n't misinformed, you not only support yourself out of my establishment, but likewise relatives of yours, who I don't know that I'm called upon to feed and clothe.

It does him good to be taken down a notch now and then." "I ain't never seen nobody that could take him daown." "Well, we'll have to let him down a little to-morrow." "Don't yeou believe it. Yeou fellers are caountin' on carryin' off that game, ain't ye? Waal, by jing! ye'll have to go some if ye do." "Our boys can go some.

The boy stopped short and slowly turned his head. Both men heard that breath, short and harsh, in the moment of silence. "Just what does this mean?" Caleb attempted again. "Where have you been?" He hardly recognized the boy's voice. "I been daown to the city," Steve slurred the words. "I been daown to git Miss Sarah a dozen eggs and I run into trouble daown there a-gittin' 'em!"

That could be fixed up 'n' painted, 'n' that willer tree; 'twouldn't hurt it ter give it a good preunin'. Growin' as it does daown in the ditch, or puddle beside this store, it flourishes, an' lops its limbs nigh onto across the square; an' the rickety fence beside it ought ter be straightened up 'fore some of the fellers that are perpetually leanin' 'gainst it pitch with it backward inter the ditch."

"Say, young man, I guess you'll haf to send another man up here. It's poorty stiff work f'r two; yes, sir, poorty stiff." "There, there! I thought you'd cry 'cavy," laughed Mr. Jennings. "I told you it wasn't the place for an old man." "Old man," snarled the figure in the straw. "I ain't so old but I can daown you, sir, yessir, condemmit, yessir!"