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Why, bless me, it's Jerry Elbow! Well, I guess there wasn't much harm done this time. You seemed to be in quite a hurry. Have I delayed you?" "Yes, sir, I was in a hurry," Jerry answered. "Danny was running to ask Mother 'Larkey for fifty cents to see the circus." "And what were you running for?" Jerry started to get up as he replied. "To see if she had fifty cents for Da "

"We have shore leave," the Captain explained; "we won't go back to Old Chester for a few days. You may tell 'em, Lavendar." "Oh, may I?" said Dr. Lavendar, blankly. "Well, good-by, and good luck!" He watched the other buggy tug on ahead, and then he leaned down to catch Danny by the scruff of the neck. "Well, Daniel," he said, "'if at first you don't succeed' "

"It is not," stated the downright doctor. "It's a barroom murder and you cannot get around it; and I, for one, don't try. But now you're in for it, and you've got to go through with it." "I intend to," said Johnny. "It's not precisely that," objected Danny Randall, "for, d'ye see, he's sent you warning." "It's about all the warning you'll get!" snorted the doctor.

Those soldiers won't even admit the telephone crew to restore connection with the Executive Chamber." "My father is there! He's there with the Governor." "Well, I should say for a guess that the Senator is in the safest place in the city, judging from the way Danny Sweetsir and his warriors are on their jobs at those doors."

"Don't deceive yourself there. Now you keep out of this and let us do it." "I reckon we can handle this bunch," said Old. "Lord! what a lot of jellyfish!" cried Johnny disgustedly. "Danny was right enough about them. But let me state right here and once again that practical jokes on immigrants are going to be mighty unhealthy here."

"He must of crawled through that little side window," says another one. "It was open when I come by, if the door WAS locked. Did you see him crawl through the little side window, Danny?" I nodded. They wasn't nothing else fur me to do. "But YOU hain't tall enough to look through that there window," says another one to me. "How could you see into that shop, Danny?"

"Come on with us," said Jim, who was a new boy in school. "Danny Rugg and some of the rest of us are going to have some sport." "What doing?" asked Bert. "Smoking cigarettes back of the coal house. I've got a whole pack." "No; I don't smoke," said Bert quietly. "Bah! You're afraid!" sneered Jim. "Cigarettes can't hurt you. It's only cigars and pipes that do."

Sun climbed higher and higher in the sky, and Danny Meadow Mouse grew hungry, but still he kept right on gnawing at that bothersome stake. By and by, happening to look across the snow-covered Green Meadows, he saw something that made his heart jump. It was Farmer Brown's boy coming straight over toward the dear Old Briar-patch. Danny didn't say a word to Peter Rabbit, but gnawed faster than ever.

Sam went back to his work, of weeding the vegetable garden and Bert watered the flowers. Pretty soon Freddie came back. "Did did Danny do anything to you?" the little fellow wanted to know. "No, Freddie, but the hose did something to him," said Bert. "Oh, did it wet him again?" "That's what it did." "Ha! Ha!" laughed Freddie. "I wish I'd been here to see it, Bert." "Well, why did you run?"

All I want now is for you to say when you will marry me, sweetheart." "But, Jack, you don't seem to understand. I can't marry you. Father was a a murderer." "I don't care what he was, Danny. It doesn't make the least difference to me. I'm not marrying your father." Diane was distressed. The lightness of his treatment of the subject bothered her. But she was in deadly earnest.