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Yontovdik " "Braces, best braces, all " "Yontovdik! Only one shilling " "It's the Rav's orders, mum; all legs of mutton must be porged or my license " "Cowcumbers! Cowcumbers!" "Now's your chance " "The best trousers, gentlemen. Corst me as sure as I stand " "On your own head, you old " Arbah " "My old man's been under an operation " "Hokey Pokey! Yontovdik! Hokey "

I'm getting awful tired of living under another woman's thumb. But come in, come in. You must be real tired and hungry. I'll do the best I can for you in the way of tea but I warn you not to expect anything but bread and butter and some cowcumbers. Martha locked up all the cake and cheese and preserves afore she went.

She always does, because she says I'm too extravagant with them if company comes." The girls were hungry enough to do justice to any fare, and they enjoyed Miss Sarah's excellent bread and butter and "cowcumbers" thoroughly. When the meal was over Miss Sarah said, "I don't know as I mind selling the platter. But it's worth twenty-five dollars. It's a very old platter."

And the mulberry groves put Josiah in mind of another innovation that might be made in Jonesville ways. Sez he, "These silk raisers git rich as mud and jest see the number of caterpillars we have to hum; they might jest as well be put to work on sunthin' that will pay as to be eatin' up young squashes and cowcumbers for us to plant over." Sez he, "Their work is worse than wasted on us."

Well, ye see, I been over to Millville this mornin' in the boat, accordin' to custom, when the water ain't too rough, an' bein' off extry early, too, for I'd more 'n common to market for, Mis' Douglas she told me to bring her cowcumbers for picklin'; an' Mis' Stewart she wanted some chany dishes an' some glasses outer the crockery store, an' that's considerable way from the dock, you know; an' Mis' Yorke she gimme some bit of flannen she wanted matched, an' such like arrands takes time.

"It is a new thing, but a crackin' good one," and he added "What can be done in one place can in another," and he got all excited up, and took his old account-book out of his pocket and went to calculatin' on how many cowcumbers he could raise in the winter down suller by the light of his old lantern.

"Who is that sorry-looking man that always sits on the bench at the store, Samanthy?" "That's David Milliken." "Why does he look so sorry, Samanthy?" "Oh, he's all right. He likes it fust-rate, wearin' out that hard bench settin' on it night in 'n' night out, like a bump on a log! But, there, Timothy, I've gone 'n' forgot the whole pepper, 'n' we're goin' to pickle seed cowcumbers to-morrer.

Seem's ef you wan't goin' to eat nothin'. Betsy Jane, now you're up after the crush, fetch them china sassers for the cowcumbers. Like enough she'll eat some of them." But, affecting a headache, Madam Conway declined everything save the green tea and a Boston cracker, which, at the first mention of headache, the distressed woman had brought her.