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"'Vous etes un très bel Anglais, mon vieux, she cried, coquettishly setting her head on one side and glancing first at him and then at me." "The cat!" cried Edith. "She evidently thought you good-looking, Jack." Talbot blushed and laughed at the involuntary slip. "I am not responsible for her opinions," he said. "I am simply telling you what happened.

The owls on the Herald building are staring knowingly at the moon, who is coquettishly hiding her face behind a cloud. Mr. Greeley has fallen asleep in his chair, facing Mr. Dodge, after listening to that eternal long temperance speech which is never ended. I don't think Broadway is amusing after midnight. Let's go to Brown's and have some deviled kidneys and a mug of Bass. By EMERSON G. TAYLOR

A broad baldric of green silk hung from his shoulder across his breast, and supported at his side a long sword with an enormous basket hilt, through which somewhat coquettishly peeped a white lace handkerchief.

"The duke is a traitor; for I will and can swear that he has often enough called the king a bloodthirsty tiger, a relentless tyrant, a man without truth and without faith, although he coquettishly pretends to be the fountain and rock of all faith."

Vickers weeping and bewailing herself coquettishly at garrison parties had often said that "poor dear John was such a disciplinarian, quite a slave to the service." "Here they are," said Pine; "six of 'em. This fellow" going to the side of Rex "is the worst. If he had not a constitution like a horse, I don't think he could live out the night."

La Contadinella Toscana however, in a very rich white silk petticoat, exceedingly full and short, to shew her neat pink slipper and pretty ancle, her pink corps de robe and straps, with white silk lacing down the stomacher, puffed shirt sleeves, with heavy lace robbins ending at the elbow, and fastened at the shoulders with at least eight or nine bows of narrow pink ribbon, a lawn handkerchief trimmed with broad lace, put on somewhat coquettishly, and finishing in front with a nosegay, must make a lovely figure at any rate: though the hair is drawn away from the face in a way rather too tight to be becoming, under a red velvet cushion edged with gold, which helps to wear it off I think, but gives the small Leghorn hat, lined with green, a pretty perking air, which is infinitely nymphish and smart.

Therefore he did not take the trouble to lower his voice now when he talked to Klara, and it was quite openly that he put his arm round her waist while he held his glass to her lips "To sweeten your father's vinegar!" he said with a laugh. "You know, my pretty Klara," he said gaily, "that I was half afraid I shouldn't see you to-day at all." "No?" she asked coquettishly. "No, by gad!

But, being there, and having seen the boudoir so coquettishly decorated that it might almost be said the least particle of dust had but the moment before been removed by the servants; having observed the drawing-room, so perfectly arranged that it might almost be said her presence there had driven away the fairies who were its occupants, she asked herself if the glance or gaze of those whom she had displaced whether spirits, fairies, elves, or human creatures had not already recognized her.

"Is not that pure fancy?" asked Emilie, with an anxious glance. "No," he replied. "There are wounds which never heal." "You are not to go," said the girl, imperiously, and she smiled. "I shall go," replied Maximilien, gravely. "You will find me married on your return, I warn you," she said coquettishly. "I hope so." "Impertinent wretch!" she exclaimed. "How cruel a revenge!"

"I want you all to be in a very good humour, before I begin" she said coquettishly, "for I will try your patience very hard, yours especially, Dr. Campbell," she added, looking at him now for the first time, "you are such a merciless critic a perfect epicure in music." He smiled languidly at her, and swept a glance over her from head to foot.