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Progress is always hampered by sluggish stupidity and contrariness. We who can see into the future and read the demands of the times must surely note that the children must be taught more than the knowledge contained between the covers of our school books.

The innate contrariness of things seemed to be blocking all his plans. Meanwhile we find Lovell drifting off into commercialism. That is to say, Barabbas-like, he had turned publisher. Gadzooks! What would you have a man with a wife and baby do? Live on moonshine well, well, well! Death claimed poor Lovell before he could make a success either of commerce or of art.

She was following the first uncurbed impulse of her life. Guarded and more or less isolated from other youth, she had always lived a strong inner life, purely mental, largely interrogative. She had had strong childish impulses, sometimes of pure affection, occasionally of sheer contrariness, but always her impulses had been curbed. "Do be a little lady," Mademoiselle would say.

At last Mike made his final choice, and, out of pure contrariness, it was the bowl of hot bread and milk prepared for Jinty's breakfast from which he flatly refused to be elbowed away. "My pretty! Has it snatched the very cup from thy lip!" Mrs. Barbara's indignation boiled over against the bold audacious tyrant so abetted by its master and hers.

Eben, "and does such a good business, and is well spoken of by every one. And that lovely new house of his at Newbridge, with bay windows and hardwood floors! I've dreamed and dreamed of seeing Sara there as mistress." "Maybe you'll see her there yet," said Mrs. Jonas, who always took a hopeful view of everything, even of Sara's contrariness. But she felt discouraged, too.

I offered to restore it to her; she would not have it at any price; she wished me to play the game, she said, just as if I were playing with a man. I checkmated her. She got up in a pet, saying that chess was a nasty, stupid, tiresome thing, and that she would not play it any longer. O, the contrariness of feminine nature! Other people now began to drop in; and it was my turn to get put out.

"Anyhow," she added, handsomely, "I'll like her an' play with her if you do." Raymond Mortimer was relieved but doubtful. Memories of the extreme contrariness of Lily Bell on occasion overcame him. "If she'll let you," he repeated, doggedly. Margaret Hamilton stared at him and her eyes grew big. "Won't you let me, if she doesn't?" she gasped. "Why why " The situation overcame her.

Nina had suggested before she left that I should stay in Paris and come to the theatre with her . "We could have some delicious old times, Nicholas, now that you are so much better." Once this would have thrilled me only last Spring! but now the contrariness in me made me say that it was absolutely necessary that I returned immediately to Versailles.

This was done on my suggestion, hoping it would make all content with their peaceable lot; but dominion for a time had been given to the power of contrariness, and it had quite an opposite effect.

In that moment, we may imagine that the weary years of routine, the long ascent of the lower grades of the service, the frequent subordination to incompetence, the fatigues and dangers of five campaigns, received their compensation. Perhaps, such is the contrariness of circumstances, there was no time for the enjoyment of these reflections. The victory had been gained. It remained to profit by it.