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Updated: August 16, 2024

Yet in spite of all the ballot-stuffing and intimidations, Wayne had barely squeaked through, by a four per cent majority. It was obvious that the current administration could never win another election. Bruce Gordon lifted the cradled phone from the box. "Gordon reporting," he announced. A startled grunt came from the instrument, followed by the clicks of hasty switching.

"'O wad some power the giftie gie us," chanted Bea's tongue between clicks, "'To see oursels as ithers see us, It wad fra mony a blunder free us, And foolish notion." Then as Berta took a threatening step in her direction, she broke into a run. "I think I'll take some exercise now," she called back mockingly as she fled up the stairs.

In the transaction with this castellated baron, you have, of course, been treated with haughtiness, but not with ferocity, and your self-respect swells with a sense of having escaped positive insult; your key clicks cheerfully in your pocket against its gutta-percha number, and you walk up and down the gorgeously carpeted, single-columned, two-story cabin, amid a multitude of plush sofas and chairs, a glitter of glass, and a tinkle of prismatic chandeliers overhead, unawed even by the aristocratic gloom of the yellow waiters.

These make corresponding clicks in the telephone receiver which the operator at the receiving station wears on his ear. He hears the code of clicks, and translates them into letters, the letters into words and the words into sentences. That is how wireless messages are sent." "And do you propose to send some that way?" asked Mrs. Anderson. "I do," replied Tom, with a smile. "Where to?" Mrs.

He heard the clicks again and realized that they were caused by the tapping of the windowpane by a ring upon a masculine finger. The ring appeared to be but was not a mammoth pigeon-blood ruby and it ornamented, or set off, the hand of Mr. Pulcifer himself. Galusha stared uncomprehendingly at the hand and ring. Then the hand beckoned frantically. Mr.

There is more snow as we go north, and Nature is hard at work breaking up the ground for the spring. The thaw has filled every depression with a sullen gray-black spate, and out on the levels the water lies six inches deep, in stretch upon stretch, as far as the eye can reach. Every culvert is full, and the broken ice clicks against the wooden pier-guards of the bridges.

Songster said we'd close the meetin' by singin' 'Blest be the tie that binds. Well, there'll be no clicks in heaven, that's one blessin'." "'Clicks, Penelope?" "Why, yes, child, the folks that gets off by themselves in a corner an' thinks nobody outside the circle is fit to tie their shoe.

He sees nothing, hears nothing, though a treacherous form crouching on the threshold is making ready to seal his doom. Arthur Dynecourt, putting forth his hand, which neither trembles nor falters on its deadly mission, silently lays hold of the door, and, drawing it toward him, the secret lock clicks sharply, and separates his victim from the world!

They looked in and saw the operator with the telephone receivers on his ears, while with nervous fingers he pressed the key that made and broke the circuit, thus sending out from the wire aerials between the masts the dots and dashes that, flying through the air, were received on other aerials and translated from meaningless clicks into words fraught with meaning.

And Moongarr Bill with the horses' reins over his arm, and the two black-boys agape, beady eyes twinkling, white teeth glistening, emitting their queer guttural clicks of approbation, and an occasional 'My word! Bujeri you, Lathy-chap, the nearest they could get to Moongarr Bill's accepted form of address.

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