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"I enjoy it very much that automobile!" said the other, again laughing, with a quick turn of her eyes toward the brother. Negligently, rather caressingly, the young man murmured a few Turkish words. She shrugged and leaned back in her chair, the flash of animation gone. "And Cairo that pleases you?" she asked of Arlee.

Looking down at the mass of MS. now ready for the printer, a sad, tender, yearning expression filled the author's eyes; and her little white hands passed caressingly over its closely-written pages, as a mother's soft fingers might lovingly stroke the face of a child about to be thrust out into a hurrying crowd of cold, indifferent strangers, who perhaps would rudely jeer at and browbeat her darling.

I wonder if we should have such rough roads as would hurt you, she added, caressingly toying with the notes, and bringing soft replies from them, as if she were conversing with a living thing. 'Ah! said Tom, coming nearer, 'you will, I hope, take care to what your brother's impetuosity might expose either this, or yourself. 'We shall all fare alike, she said, carelessly. 'But how? said Tom.

The cavalier was pacing to and fro in the dimness of the convent parlour, with quick, agitated steps, his nostrils quivering, grizzled brows bent over angry eyes, his hand trembling with rage as it clutched his sword-hilt. The reverend mother drew Angela to her side, took off the little black silk hood, and laid her hand caressingly on the soft brown hair. "Was it Cromwell's work?" she asked.

To-day her dear, delicate little face was not pale, but glowed crimson after the long walk through the frosty, winter air. She was glad to have Ulrich clasp her so firmly, so she pressed her cheek closer to his, loosened her fingers from his neck, caressingly stroked his face with her cold hand, and murmured: "You are kind, Ulrich, and I love you!"

Crewe?" "Yes." "Mr. Humphrey Crewe?" "Yes yes, of course you are. Who are you?" "I'm the president of the Paradise Benevolent and Military Association, Mr. Crewe. Boys that work in the mills, you know," continued the voice, caressingly. "Sure you've heard of us. We're five hundred strong, and all of us good Republicans as the president.

He put his hand caressingly on her head; "No, my dear, not now." The child eyed him for a moment, conscious of something which she had never noticed in him before, and puzzled by the discovery. She walked back, cowed and silent, to the door. He followed her and spoke to Mrs. Presty. "Take your grandchild into the garden; we will join you there in a little while. Good-by for the present, Kitty."

Later on he found himself alone with her. She was drawing at a little round table, and he went and stood by her. "Annachen," he said caressingly, as he put his hand under her chin and made her look at him, "I was a brute to speak to you as I did. Of course you meant it kindly, dear, but it seemed to rub me up the wrong way. I think I am tired this evening; anyhow, my head aches."

This he retained meditatively for a time, and blew out through his pursed lips slowly and caressingly. Then his face seemed to soften as he leaned back, and a soft blur to film his eyes. He sighed heavily, happily, with immeasurable content, and then said suddenly: "God! But that tastes good!" Van Brunt nodded sympathetically. "Five years, you say?" "Five years." The man sighed again.

My husband is not here, with whom can I take counsel?" Then Kamal Mani drew Kunda's head lovingly on her breast, and taking hold of her face caressingly, said, "Kunda, will you tell me the truth?" "About what?" said the girl. "About what I shall ask thee. I am thy elder, I love thee as a sister; do not hide it from me, I will tell no one."