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We had not hoped that you would arrive so soon, but fortunately my daughters, to whom you appear to have been of service at Choisy, warned me that you were journeying hither. Your apartments, therefore, are prepared for you, and we hope that you will honour Canaples by long remaining its guest." Andrea thanked him becomingly.

In reality I could hear the old knight's voice, loud and shrill with anger, and a moment later Louis, his intendant, came across the hall. "Guilbert," he commanded harshly, "close the door. The night air is keen." My cheeks aflame with anger, I still made one last attempt to gain an audience. "Master Louis," I exclaimed, "will you do me the favour to tell M. de Canaples "

"I was beginning to fear," he replied coldly, and without so much as looking at me, "that worse had befallen you." I breathed again. "You mean ?" "Pooh, nothing," said he half contemptuously. "Only methinks 't were well whilst we remain at Canaples that you do not spend your nights in a room within such easy access of the terrace."

My brother, sir, was the rich Canaples, the owner of all this, and by his testament I am his heir during my lifetime, the estates going to Yvonne at my death. So that you see I have naught to leave; but if I had, not a denier should go to my worthless son!" He spread his thin hands before the blaze, and for a moment there was silence.

The son of Antoine was Charles de Créquy, de Blanchefort, and de Canaples, Prince de Poix, Governor of Dauphiny, peer and marshal of France, who became Due de Lesdiguières by his marriage with Madelaine de Bonne, daughter of the celebrated Connétable de Lesdiguières, in 1611.

Oh, I have heard of this affair, a vulgar tavern brawl, the fifth in which his name has been involved and besmirched. I had news this morning by a courier dispatched me by my friend St. Simon, who imagines that I am deeply concerned in that young profligate. I learn that he is out of danger, and that in a month or so, he will be about again and ready to disgrace the name of Canaples afresh.

"Will there not? Hum! I am not so confident. You are a brave man, M. de Luynes, but you lack that great auxiliary of valour discretion. What need to fling into the teeth of those fine gentlemen the reason you had for spitting Canaples, eh? You have provoked a dozen enemies for Andrea where only one existed." "I will answer for all of them," I retorted boastfully.

But, Sangdieu! that a ruffler of the stamp of Eugene de Canaples should speak of it should call me the nephew of an Italian adventurer, should draw down upon me the cynical smile of a crowd of courtly apes pah! I am sick at the memory of it!" "Did you answer him?" "Pardieu! I should be worthy of the title he bestowed upon me had I not done so. Oh, I answered him not in words.

"The only plan there is to form to set out for Canaples at once." "Hum!" he grunted, and again was silent. Then, suddenly throwing back his head, "Par la mort Dieu!" he cried, "I care not what comes of it; I'll tell you what I know. Lead the way to your chamber, M. de Luynes, and delay your departure until you have heard me."

"The Marquis spoke bluntly enough, and with rude candour he stated that since Mazarin had failed to bring the Canaples estates into his family by marriage, he came to set before his Eminence a proof so utter of Canaples's treason that it would enable him to snatch the estates by confiscation. The Cardinal may have been staggered by St.