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An oath was the only comment I made as I turned the news over in my mind. I must return to Canaples. Then another thought occurred to me. The Chevalier was capable of going to extremes to keep me from entering his house; he might for instance greet me with a blunderbuss.

I, a friend of M. de Canaples, tell you that you wrong M. de Luynes. 'T was a fair fight how the quarrel arose is no concern of yours." Despite his words they still snarled and growled like the misbegotten curs they were. But St.

Whither was he bound, I asked myself, and whence a haste that made him set out fasting, with an anti-cardinalist ditty on his lips, and ride two leagues to seek a breakfast in a village that did not hold an inn where a dog might be housed in comfort? Like Eugene de Canaples, he also travelled towards a goal that he little dreamt of.

"Well, sir, what of it?" "This. I have been to Canaples this morning and, knowing that you will learn anon, from that old dotard, what passed between us, I prefer that you shall hear it first from me." I bowed to conceal a smile. "Thanks to you, M. de Luynes, I was ordered from the house. I Cesar de St. Auban have been ordered from the house of a provincial upstart!

"Already once for your sake have I broken faith to those who pay me, by setting you in a position to forestall St. Auban and get M. de Canaples away before his arrival. Unfortunately, you have dallied on the road, M. de Luynes, and Canaples is already a prisoner a doomed one, I fear." "Is that your last word, Montresor?" I inquired sadly.

Canaples, brother of the Marechal de Crequi, wished to marry Mademoiselle de Vivonne who was no longer young, but was distinguished by talent, virtue and high birth; she had not a penny. The Cardinal de Coislin, thinking Canaples too old to marry, told him so. Canaples said he wanted to have children. "Children!" exclaimed the Cardinal. "But she is so virtuous!"

I heard him through patiently enough; yet when he stopped, my pent-up feelings burst all bonds, and I resolved there and then to go in quest of that Judas, St. Auban, and make an end of his plotting, for all time. But Montresor restrained me, showing me how futile such a course must prove, and how I risked losing all chance of aiding those at Canaples. He was right.

Therein lay the sting of her carefully chosen word. "I am M. de Mancini's friend," I answered with simple dignity. For all reply she raised her eyebrows in token of surprise; Canaples looked askance; I bit my lip, and an awkward silence followed, which, luckily, was quickly ended by the appearance of Andrea.

Gaston," he burst out, "she is a lovely maid saw you ever a bonnier?" "Indeed she is very beautiful," I answered, laughing to myself at the thought of how little he dreamt that it was of Yvonne St. Albaret de Canaples that he spoke, and not minded for the while to enlighten him. "If she be as kind and gentle as she is beautiful, Gaston, well Uncle Giulio's plans are likely to suffer shipwreck.

But over yonder, Chevalier, on the Chambord side, who cares a fig for the Lord of Canaples or his fate? None; is it not so?"