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"Certainly, Isaiah," said Mary. "Come in!" Isaiah entered. "'Twan't nothin' special," he said. "I was just goin' to tell you that Debby T. cal'lates Zoeth is a little mite easier tonight. She just said so and I thought you'd like to know." By "Debby T." Isaiah meant Mrs. Atkins. Mary understood. "Thank you, Isaiah," she said. "I am ever so glad to hear it. Thank you for telling me."

If yours cal'lates to disturb you some you can go right on up to your room, lamb, for you must be dead with lugging them children around." Nellie's tears disappeared not to return. She shook her head. "No, ma," she said; "my conscience is just like them children sleeping so hard it would take Gabriel's trumpet to wake 'em up. It's more tired than I am."

Fact on't is, it's got to be a putty valu'ble piece o' prop'ty, more 'n she cal'lates on, I reckon." Here Mr. Harum paused, pinching his chin with thumb and index finger, and mumbling his tobacco.

Last letter I got from Abbie she sailed into me because, as she said, I seemed to have been 'most everywheres except to meetin'. She figgers New York's a heathen place, anyhow, and she cal'lates I'm gettin' to be a backslider like the rest. I didn't know but I might go to church." Caroline nodded. "I wondered if you wouldn't like to go," she said.

They had tracked Sterzer to the Old Home House, and had put their new hand on the job of gettin' that agreement. Fust he'd tried to shine up to Grace, but the shine her part of it had wore off. Then he decided to steal it; and he done it, just how nobody knows. Snow, the detective, says he cal'lates Henry, the servant, is wiser'n most folks thinks, fur's that's concerned.

But she isn't his mother and his grandmother and his aunt and all his relations. And, if she was, 'twouldn't make no difference. He's the one to say whether he's goin' to leave or not." "But he does say it. That is, he " "He just says he 'cal'lates. He never said he was GOIN' to do anything; not for years, anyhow. It's all right, Mrs. Thankful. You just wait and see.

"The old man don't want you to forget that you can get more for hard pine than you can for soft sonnets, sellin' 'em both by the foot," observed Labe, peering over his spectacles. "More money in shingles than there is in jingles, he cal'lates. . . . Um. . . . Yes, yes. . . . Consider'ble more, consider'ble." Albert smiled, but it astonished him to find that Mr. Keeler knew what a sonnet was.

"He cal'lates to, I guess, ef he can!" "Yes; ef he can!" significantly repeated the doctor. "So this is the foreign heir? He's got wristbands like a woman and hands just as small. Wears gloves like my darter when she goes to meeting-house! And silk socks! Why, the old patroon didn't wear none at all, and corduroy was good enough for him, they say.

And Ase, bein' as he's doin' the carpenterin' over to Colton's, hears a lot from the servants, I s'pose likely. Leastways, if they don't tell all their bosses' affairs they're a new breed of hired help, that's all I've got to say. Cap'n Jed says Mr. Colton cal'lates you're a fool." "Yes. So I've heard. What did the Captain say to that?" "Seemed to think 'twas a pretty good joke.

"Now, all of ye know that Kun'l Gid most gin'ly cal'lates to eat up folks that says 'Boo' to him, and pick his teeth with slivers of their bones. But talk about your r'yal Peeruvian ragin' lions of wherever they come from why, that Cap'n Sproul could back a 'Rabian caterwouser right off'm Caterwouser Township!