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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Sure thing. Why not? Got room enough to keep a whole zoological menagerie if we wanted to, ain't we? Besides, a dog'll be handy to have around. Bill Foster, the life saver, told me that somebody busted into the station henhouse one night a week ago and got away with four of their likeliest pullets. He cal'lates 'twas tramps or boys.

She cal'lates New York's nothin' but a sham from stern to stern, manned by liars and swindlers and hypocrites and officered by thieves. 'Tain't no use to tell her 'tain't, though she might pretend to believe it, if I told her, for just now the poor girl thinks I'm Solomon and Saint Peter rolled into one.

She looked wistful and a trifle disappointed. "I I guess maybe I'd better stay here," she said. "I ought to see to Minnehaha's sore throat. I'm goin' to put some red flannel 'round it; Mr. Chase says he cal'lates he knows where there is some. Good-by, Uncle Zoeth. Good-by er Cap'n Gould." The partners did not converse on the way to the store. Zoeth made an attempt, but Shadrach refused to answer.

John ain't that kind of feller. You wouldn't help anybody to turn a woman out of her house and home, would you, John? Course you wouldn't. The swab! Just 'cause he's got money he cal'lates he can run everything. Well, he can't." "Goodness knows I hope he can't!" moaned Thankful. "And in the meantime we are waiting to hear what his lawyer has to say," observed Heman. John stepped forward.

The other guard confirmed that opinion, having information straight from Wagg, himself. "When does she bust?" "Next week, so he cal'lates!" But Mr. Wagg, returning slowly, keeping to the side of the pit farthest from the hillock, was at that moment down to seconds in his figuring how long it would be before the crawling fire on a fuse would reach and sever a cord and trip a certain trigger.

And I think there is no doubt that Simpson had orders to make the 'generosity' known to as many townspeople as possible." "Hum! I see. You figure that Thomas cal'lates 'twill help his popularity and make his case stronger; is that it?" "Not exactly. I doubt if he ever thought of such a thing himself. But some one thought for him and some one must have supplied the money."

"He set there for a long while, thinkin', and then he says he cal'lates he must have dozed off. At any rate, next thing he knew he was settin' up straight in his chair, listenin'. It seemed to him that he'd heard a sound in the kitchen underneath.

"And does it make the wind blow no'theast by no'th and and like that?" "Eh? Make the wind blow how?" "I mean does it make the wind blow different ways, no'theast by no'th and cantin' 'round to the sou-east and and those ways? Captain Hedge has got a fish up on his barn that used to do that, but now it won't 'cause he cal'lates it's rusted fast.

The proud parent grinned, then looked troubled. "Why, he ain't real fust-rate," he said. "Seems to be some under the weather. Got a cold and kind of sore throat. Dr. Parker says he cal'lates it's a touch of tonsilitis. There's consider'ble fever, too. I was hopin' the doctor'd come again to-day, but he's gone away on a fishin' cruise. Won't be home till late to-morrer.

And Her Majesty Dunn knows that, too. Therefore, the cat bein' away, she cal'lates now's the time to make sure of the cheese." "But the cat can come back. The song says it did, you know." "Um-hm. And got another kick, I shouldn't wonder. However, my claws'll stay sharp for a year or thereabouts, and, if it comes to a shindy, there'll be some tall scratchin' afore I climb a tree.

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