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"Why, its bigger'n a dozen dug-outs." "Yes, that is true, but we're not going to make an ordinary canoe. We're going to cut out something as nearly like a yawl, or a ship's launch as possible. She is to be sixteen feet long, and three and a quarter feet wide amidships." Sam had learned a good deal about boats during his boyhood in Baltimore. "Whew! what do you want such a whopper for?"

And two ladies I forget their names. You know Mr. Bane?". "I have met him once," confessed Louise. "Some swell he is, I bet," Gusty declared. "I'm goin' to speak to him. Mebbe he can get me into the company. I ain't so aw-ful fat. I seen a picture over to Paulmouth last night where there was a girl bigger'n I am, and she took a re'l sad part. "She cried re'l tears. I can do that.

You've lost none o' your skill an' cleverness, but added suthin' to them that makes you inches taller an' bigger'n you was. I guess it's the things you acquired in England as makes you diff'rent. Rubbin' shoulders with them high-class friends o' yours over thar has kinder wore off the rough corners." "'Twas high time I quitted, perhaps," mused Kiddie.

On returning to the tent, she said to Jos: "It beats all ever I see, the way thet Injun woman's got fixed up out er nothin'. It ain't no more'n a hovel, a mud hovel, Jos, not much bigger'n this yer tent, fur all three on 'em, an' the bed an' the stove an' everythin'; an' I vow, Jos, she's fixed it so't looks jest like a parlor! It beats me, it does. I'd jest like you to see it."

In fact, I'll tell you a secret: That's the fashion in wounds." "Mother will be glad to know she's right. She sets a lot by her opinion, does mother. Say, do you like plums?" Jack already had a peck of plums, but another peck would not add much to the redundancy as far as he was concerned. "I'll bring you some. We've got the biggest plums in Little Rivers oh, so big! Bigger'n Mr. Ewold's!

Ain't I clean druv out my wits a-thinkin' ever'thing over, and where in the name of natur' am I goin' to do it all, with them horrid gasoline stoves no bigger'n an old maid's thimble, and Pasqually gone off s'archin' with the rest, and no'count the heft of the time and my sins!"

"Yes," said Woodward, "they are curious." "Some days they er gwine rippitin' aroun' like the woods wuz afire, an' then ag'in they er mopin' an' a-moonin' like ever' minnit wuz a-gwine to be the nex'. I bin a-studyin' Sis sence she wan't no bigger'n a skinned rabbit, an' yit I hain't got to A, B, C, let alone a-b ab, u-b ub.

"It was bigger'n a fifty-cent one. I guess it will be seventy-five cents." "Get your bank and settle your account, Hector." And once more the boy was forced to obey. "There!" breathed Peace, closing her fingers over the added coins. "I guess we are square now. I just happened to think of the cake. Isn't it lucky I did?

She just cut loose on the two of them, and chased them through the sloughs and up the road clear home larrupin' them with a binder whip, as fast as she could swing it the yowls out of them would have done your heart good!" Mrs. Watson stopped her work, with her floury hands raised in consternation. "God's mercy," she cried, "did Pearl do that and both of them bigger'n her.

She cuddled Florence Dombey in her arms and gave one ear to Margery's question as to the names and personalities of the paper dolls, the other to Elviry's comments. "It ain't so small," sniffed Lizzie. "It's bigger'n anything you ever lived in, Elviry, till Dave sold enough lumber he stole from the Government to start a bank." Elviry was not to be drawn into a quarrel.