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I told dem dat I no accept de place unless dey promise to behave bery well, to mind what I said to dem, and to listen to my words; but dat if they do dat I gibe dem plenty goods, I make dem comfortable and happy, and I teach dem de way ob de Lord. Dey agree to all dis. "I find de slave trade now all at an end, and dat de people not fight often now.

Neow, I clar ter glory I kaint imagine WAR dey all gone ter, dough we bin eout only six seven monf' 'n got over tousan bar'l below. But I bin two year on er voy'ge and doan hardly SEE a sparm while, much less catch one. But" and here he whispered mysteriously "dish yer ole man's de bery debbil's own chile, 'n his farder lookin' after him well dat's my 'pinion.

"'Is it berry bad to swaller, sais I, 'Missus? I is most afeard it will spile the 'finement of my taste. "'Try it, sais she, and I shut to my eyes, and made awful long face, and swallowed it jist dis way. "'By golly, sais I, 'Missus, but dat is grand. What is dat? "'Clove, water, said she. "'Oh, Missus, sais I, 'dat is plaguy trong water, dat are a fac, and bery nice flavoured.

I should have had her wait a year or two at least." There was a step in the hall without, a rap on the door. "Come in," Edward said, and Ben appeared. "Marse Ed'ard, dey tells me dars a 'Merican gentleman bery sick in de room cross de hall hyar; gwine ter die, I reckon." "Indeed!" Edward said with concern. "I should be glad to be of assistance to him. Is he quite alone, Ben?

"It isn't the work; it's the degradation; and I won't submit to it." Christie looked fiercely determined; but Hepsey shook her head, saying quietly as she went on garnishing a dish: "Dere's more 'gradin' works dan dat, chile, and dem dat's bin 'bliged to do um finds dis sort bery easy.

I go along to shore and he take me to a open space in town, where a man was standing on a raised platform. He had a black woman by de side ob him. Seberal men come up and look at her. De man he shout bery loud. Oder men say something short. At last he knock on de table; a man tell de woman to come after him and she walk away.

"Yes, Massa Benjy, bery too much altogidder," said Butterface, echoing the sigh. "Come, we won't cut through this," cried Captain Vane in a cheery voice; "we'll try to go over it. There is a considerable drift of old snow that seems to offer a sort of track. What says Chingatok?" The easy-going Eskimo said that it would be as well to go over it as through it, perhaps better!

Down wid de redcoats! dey shan't have our guns; dey shan't take de cannon and de powder. Dere were ole Massa Bill Emerson, the preacher, wid his gun in his hands, shouting to de people to stand firm and to fight till de last; dey all shout, 'We will! Dey bery desperate; me fear great fight come on." "What are you going to do, father?" Harold asked. "Nothing, my boy.

"There is no woman on board at all!" "Well, sar, dat am a matter ob opinion. English gentleman tink dat you hab. You say no. Dat prove bery easy. De gentleman say he wants to search ship. If as you say, she is no here, den ob course no reason for you to say no to dat. If on de other hand you say no, den he quite sure he right, and he come and search whether you like it or no. Den der big fight.

Presently a voice beside him whispered "Is you bery bad, massa?" Lawrence turned his head with great difficulty and beheld his faithful follower lying like himself on the ground, firmly bound to a stout spar or pole. His own inability to move was at once explained, for he soon perceived that he was in the same bound condition. "D'you know what has happened, Quashy?" "Ho yes, massa.