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Updated: August 14, 2024

Belave me, Ned, it's much comfortabler to be merely a' And-so-forth thin it is to be an' Etcetera. An' I've loved ye so, Ned! Ye're the noblest nobleman I ivver knew or ivver expict to know." Franklin sat gazing at him without speech, and presently Battersleigh went on. "It's a bit of a story, lad," said he kindly.

"An' it's hot, too, it is," he continued, applying his kerchief again to his pate. "If it warn't for the ice we stand on, we'd be melted down, I do belave, like bits o' whale blubber." "Wot a jolly game football is, ain't it?" said Davie, seating himself on a hummock, and still panting hard. "Ay, boy, that's jist what it is.

"`Now, darlint, says I, `everybody knows yer aisy frightened about ghosts. I don't belave in one meself, an' I don't mind 'em a farden dip; but av all the ghosts in Ireland haunted ye, I'd niver give ye up. "`Will ye come an' see it this night? says she.

"He wants nothing here or hereafter as he wants to marry you." "Thin why don't he till me so?" sobbed Mary, burying her burning face in her hands. "Has he said nothing to you?" gravely inquired the priest. "No, he hasn't and I don't belave he intinds to," answered Mary, wiping her eyes and trying to be composed. "There is something about Jimmy that is holding him back. Mrs.

While the pretended invalid was talking to them, Sailor Bill had been watching him, apparently with eager interest. "Beg pardon for 'aving a small taste o' differences wid you in the mather ov your age," said the sailor, as soon as the man had ceased speaking; "but I'll never belave you've been about 'ere for forty years. It can't be so long as that."

"Joe Baldwin's layin' a charge under the wreck off the jetty to-day no doubt that's what's kep' 'im, and it's washin'-day with Mrs Joe, I belave; but I'm his pardner, sur, an' if ye'll step this way, Mrs Machowl'll be only too glad to see ye, sur, an' I can take yer orders."

"Ochone!" cried Barney, taking his pipe out of his mouth and looking down with a disturbed expression, "there's an arthquake, I do belave." For a few seconds there was a dead silence. "Nonsense," whispered Martin uneasily. "It's dramin' I must have been," sighed Barney, resuming his pipe.

Yees both knows I would die for yees, and it was little I dr'amed of a savage iver disecrating this house by an ungentlemanly act. Teddy never'll sarve yees the like agin." "I have no faith in the promises of a man who is intemperate." The Irishman raised his hand to heaven: "May the good Father above strike me dead if I iver swallow another drop! Do yees belave me now. Mister Harvey?"

Like a dacent Christian, he made it in the shape o' a cross, an' whin the Dey found that out he chopped the poor man's head off so he did, worse luck! but it's that they're always doin', or stranglin' ye wid a bow-string, or makin' calf's-futt jelly o' yer soles. What! `Ye don't belave it? Faix, if ye go ashore ye'll larn to belave it.

"Mother," ventured Pat, though he had not yet received the word, "the table's set pretty good this morning." "So it is, Pat, so it is," responded the widow glancing it over. "Maybe Jim can do girl's work after all." "Maybe he can, Pat, but he'll have to prove it before he'll foind them that'll belave it. That's the way in this world. 'Tis not enough to be sayin' you can do this and that.

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