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'Let me look on you! And a more passionate worship came into his tranced gaze. But Barstein, feeling duped, replied sternly: 'Where do you do your dentistry? The question seemed to take some moments penetrating through Nehemiah's rapt brain, but at last he replied pathetically: 'And where shall I find achers? In Russia I had my living of it. Here I have no friends.

Here, in this classical atmosphere, in this southern sunshine, he felt out of sympathy with the gaunt godly Nehemiah, who had doubtless lapsed again into his truly troublesome tribulations. Not a penny more for the ne'er-do-well! Let his Providence look after him! 'Is she beautiful? quizzed Schneemann. Barstein roared with laughter. His irate mood was broken up.

'You shall not go to Bursia, said Barstein in a burst of artistic fervour. 'Thirteen people cannot possibly get there for fifteen pounds or even twenty-five pounds, and for such a sum you could start a small business here. Nehemiah stared at him. 'God's messenger! was all he could gasp.

'My desire? murmured the artist, taken aback. Sir Asher here interrupted them by pressing his '48 port upon both, and directing the artist's attention in particular to the pictures that hung around the stately dining-room. There was a Gainsborough, a Reynolds, a Landseer. He drew Barstein round the walls. 'I am very fond of the English school, he said.

Nor might Mabel have undeceived him had his ideas remained Platonic. Their irruption into the world of practical politics, into her own life, was, however, another pair of shoes. Since Barstein had brought Zionism to her consciousness, she had noted that distinguished Christians were quite sympathetic, but this was the one subject on which Christian opinion failed to impress Mabel.

'Then you are a Jewish patriot, retorted Barstein. The bluff British face grew clouded again. 'Heaven forbid. I only know of British patriots. You talk treason to your country, young man. 'Treason I! The young man laughed bitterly. 'It is you Zionists that will undermine all the rights we have so painfully won in the West. 'Oh, then you're not really a British patriot, Barstein began.

Besides, there will be signs enough. 'What signs? 'Read your Bible. Mount Zion will be split by an earthquake, as the prophet Barstein interrupted him with an impatient gesture. 'But why can't we go to Jerusalem and wait for the earthquake there? he asked. 'Because we have a mission to the nations. We must live dispersed. We have to preach the unity of God.

'And do I not trust Him? said Nehemiah fervently. 'Otherwise, burdened down as I am with a multitude of children 'You made your own burden, Barstein could not help pointing out. Again that look of pain, as if Nehemiah had caught sight of feet of clay beneath Barstein's shining boots. "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth," Nehemiah quoted in Hebrew.

She placed it over one of the caneless chairs, and begged his Excellency to be seated. It was a half holiday at the school, she complained, otherwise her family would be less numerous. 'Where does your husband do his dentistry? Barstein inquired, seating himself cautiously upon the board. 'Do I know? said his wife.

'Yes the Briton, the Jew, and the anti-Semite three-in-one and one-in-three. Sir Asher touched one of the electric bells with a jerk. He was quite alarmed. Barstein turned white with rage at his dismissal. Never would he marry into these triune tribes. 'And it's the same in every land where we're emancipated, as it is called, he went on furiously.