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She kept a-arskin' questions, and everything she arsked I arnswered of her back dreadful moderate, and every time I arnswered of her back she'd give a little larff, endin' up on 'sol la ce do, sorter highsteriky; so't I was kind o' feelin' areound in my pocket t' find her a narvine lozenger. "And then I thought I wouldn't. All they want is the least little excuse and they'll begin to kile.

Next day that's yesterday her mind was clearer, an' I arsked her who Arthur was an' where he lived, if one had a mind to fetch 'im. I got out of her that he was called Arthur Miles Surname Chandon, an' that he lived at 'Oly Innercents. So this mornin', bein' allowed out, I went down to the place an' arsked to see Arthur Miles Surname Chandon.

To which his nurse, standing behind his chair to relieve the Perkinses' maid of the necessity of looking after the Bradley hopefuls, replied: "'Ush, 'Arry, 'ush! Wite till yer arsked." Mrs. Bradley nodded approval to Harriet, and observed quietly to Mrs. Perkins that Harriet was such a treasure; she kept the children so well in subjection.

The sound of a high trill floated upwards as she opened the door. "What is it, Eliza?" "It's a letter, miss. A kid brought it to the kitchen door a bit of a boy. Arsked for me as if 'e'd known me all 'is life called me Elizer! 'E's waitin' for an answer. I'll wait in me room, miss, till you calls me." The little Cockney girl slipped away, revelling in furthering any scheme to defeat Mrs.

I arsked 'im wot they did, an' 'e says, 'Make boats an' fings, with now an' agin a little flurry in shippin' ter break the monotony.... Anyway, I traced the devil wot nearly got you, Guv'nor, and that's somefing. And if I don't give 'im a taste of the 'appy 'ereafter, well, my name's not Dollops." Cleek laughed and laid a hand upon the lad's shoulder.

Fur two pins I'd fetch a push an' smash yer ole shanty about yer ears y'ole cow! I only arsked if Arvie lived here! Holy Mosis! carn't a feller ask a civil queschin?" "What do you want with Arvie? Do you know him?" "My oath! Don't he work at Grinder Brothers?

'I 'adn't been talkin' to 'im ten minutes afore 'e arsked me wot was my night out. 'E isn't arf a one. 'It seems he isn't, I agreed. And I sent up a silent prayer of thankfulness to Heaven and the Domestic Bureau. 'But what about the Amalgamated boilermaker? 'Oh, 'im! She tossed her head. ''E can go to Manchester. 'Have you observed William closely, recently, Netta? Henry asked me.

"But see 'ere. Cap'en he tells me I must shave me face and be a 'oss soldier. I never shaved me face in me life, and I dunno 'ow to do it, just as I dunno 'ow to ride a 'oss. I'm a sailorman, I am, and sailormen don't shave their faces and ride 'osses. That's why I arsked yer what yer thought of this 'ere war." The chauffeur struggled into his jeans and adjusted them before replying.

"Might 'ave been a stowaway, yer know," I heard Quoin, the one who had suggested it before, remark to one of the A.B's named Stubbins a short, rather surly-looking chap. "Might have been hell!" returned Stubbins. "Stowaways hain't such fools as all that." "I dunno," said the first. "I wish I 'ad arsked the Second what 'e thought about it."

"'Oo are you?" he demanded. This attack from the rear, coming on top of his other troubles, tried his restraint sorely. "Well " Freddie hesitated. It seemed silly to offer the fellow one of his cards. "Well, as a matter of fact, my name's Rooke . . ." "And who," pursued Henry, "arsked you to come shoving your ugly mug in 'ere?" "Well, if you put it that way . . ."