Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 21, 2025
The Arabs usually command the movement of the camels by "Tzâ;" and when they are to stop, by "Ush;" and, to kneel down, it is a prolonged pronunciation of the guttural خ or Kh-h-h. We may well suppose, however, that the camels which travel this route are expert linguists in the Touarghee and Arabic. We continued all day till the last dull departing solar ray of the west had left us.
Deep in the ship a bell was tolling " "Nonsense!" Tilda interrupted, and catching up a pole, thrust it down overside. "Four feet at the most," she reported, as the pole found bottom. "You must be sickenin' for somethin'. Put out your tongue." "A child of imagination," observed Mr. Mortimer, who had followed her. "Full fathom five thy father lies " "'Ush!" cried Tilda.
"Proper," the other answered. The second race was run and won. Two o'clock came and went. The jockeys began to emerge from the dressing-room under the Grand Stand. Monkey Brand and Joses watched the door. "Where's green then?" muttered the tout, as the expected failed to show. "'Ush!" said Monkey at his elbow. The fat man turned.
Wouldn't I now? . . . Of course, you won't understand, at your age; but there's a sort of sheltered feelin'. An' I'm a bundle of nerves. You should see me," wound up Mrs. Lobb enigmatically, "with a mouse." But at this moment Tilda whispered "'Ush!" Someone was stealthily lifting the vallance. "Is that you, Sam?" she challenged. "Aye, aye, missie. All safe?"
"Half a mo'!" he cried, and scrawled in dashing hand beneath the portrait the legend: Ally Slo's Got a nose Like our Jose'. S. Albert stood back with folded arms to admire his masterpiece. The beauty of it over-awed his naturally irreverent spirit. "'Ush!" he said. But a rude voice burst in on his silent rapture. "Albert!" it called peremptorily.
'E's peaceable enough when the liquor's out of 'im. But their 'ands comes so 'eavy. They don't know how 'eavy their 'ands comes." Thus Mrs. Wemock, standing in the doorway, for the moment holding Orlando, who resented his transfer with a subdued howl of grief, and looked anxiously down the alley toward Polly's retreating figure. "'Ush now an' ma'll give him a winkle. Polly's gone for winkles.
"Do you want me to read or not?" asked Betty in desperation. "Yes, Miss, yes," hummed the voices heavy and shrill. "It's her hobby, poor young thing," whispered Mrs. Smith, "we all 'as 'em. My own is a light cake to my tea, and always was. Ush." Betty read. When the mothers had wordily gone, she threw open the windows, propped the door wide with a chair, and went to tea. She had it alone.
"'Ush, Jinnie, 'ush!" put in the nurse. "Don't yer tell tiles on 'Arry. 'E didn't mean ter 'urt yer doll. 'Twas a haxident." "No, 'twasn't a haxident," said Jennie. "'E done it a-purpice." "Well, wot if hi did?" retorted Harry. "Didn't yer pull the tile off me rockin'-'orse?" "Well, never mind," said Bradley, seeing how strained things were getting. "Don't quarrel about it now.
They were the first words he had spoken to the lad, this block-of-granite little man, across whose knees his father had died at St. Vincent; and the boy did not find them encouraging. "Send im victoriush, Appee and gloriush, Long to reign o er i ush, Goshave "Uncle George!" bawled a bibulous voice. "Row, ye devil, row! or I'll split y'up, and chuck y'overboard."
"'Ush, an' put on your shirt, an' come 'ome! We'll get Mrs. Mortimer to dry it off by the stove." She helped him on with it, took him by the hand, and led him back unresisting. They reached the canal bank in time to see Sam Bossom leading Old Jubilee down the towpath, on his way to borrow a cart at Ibbetson's.
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