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"I arsked," said the wagoner, "because he's hired by the Primrose Feet; an' if he's the kind o' man to sell 'is princerples, I don't so much mind 'ow bad the news I breaks to him." "What news?" The man searched in his pocket, and drew forth a greasy post card.

I am much obliged to you, Master Tray. But from what Deborah Junk says you were a guttersnipe. How did you get this post?" "I talked m'self int' it," said Tray, importantly. "Newspapers ain't good enough, and you gets pains in wet weather. So I turns a good boy" he grinned evilly "and goes to a ragged kids' school to do the 'oly. The superintendent ses I'm a promising case, and he arsked Mr.

You just go to supper with 'em." "You're right, Joey," said David, his face flushing. "They stood by me, I'll stand by them." "The restaurant is down the main street near the 'otel," explained the old clown. "Ruby and me will walk down with you. And, by the way, I've been talking with Dick Cronk about you. He arsked me to tell you to be mighty careful of that wad o' money."

"They won't take it as hinsolence," Nicholas explained. "They've er very touchin' regard fer me. Tell them. I arsked after 'em, won't yer?" Even Stub McGuire noticed that Nickie, whose speech was usually excellent, adopted the vulgar tongue in addressing the man he called Billy, or any of his friends or relations.

I understand you have been here-abouts for thirty years," went on Hurd, carelessly, "possibly you may recollect the case." Jessop wiped his forehead. "I heard something about it. That there lady committed suicide they say." "I know what they say, but I want to know what you say?" "I won't be arsked questions," shouted the captain, angrily.

Here's you a-comin' and arskin' of me questions about my business, and I that grump-like that only for your bloomin' 'arf-quid I'd 'a' seen you blowed fust 'fore I'd answer. Not even when you arsked me sarcastic like if I'd like you to arsk the Superintendent if you might arsk me questions. Without offence did I tell yer to go to 'ell?" "You did."

"Ah," said Miss Junk, luxuriously, "I've taught you to, in quite a genteel way. What a scrubby little brat you were, Bart!" "Yuss," said Mr. Tawsey, eating rapidly. "I saw myself to-day." "In a looking-glarse?" "Lor', Debby no. But there wos a brat all rags and dirty face and sauce as I was when you saw me fust. He come into the shop as bold as brass and arsked fur a book.

I wanted to cheer and swing me bloomin' cap just to keep from blubberin'. Then, right guide of his four, come Judson. Six paces awye he saw me. He turned white, then red, but like the good soldier 'e was, 'e never let it spoil 'is cadence. 'E tipped me the wink and passed by. I waited. Presently 'e came back. 'Are you with the gang at the castle? 'e arsked. I said I was.

"Mind you," said Joe, "till you've arsked them questions and been answered satisfactorily none of us'll 'ave anything to do with you, besides which I'll give you such a licking as you've never 'ad before." He strolled off with Ben and the cook, as the skipper came towards them again, and sat down in the bows. Tim, sore afraid of his shipmates' con. tempt, tried again.

What I really want to know is the reason behind Simmonds's statement about Count Marigny's tale-pitching, as you term it." "Oh, of course Mr. Vanrenen didn't say anythink. Simmonds was what you call puttin' two an' two together. From what Mr. Vanrenen arsked him it was easy enough to get at the Frenchman's dirty tricks."