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Slowly Abey Lewis turned from the receiver he had abruptly hung up and beckoned the subordinate who had first taken the message. "Don't mention this to anybody," directed the chief tersely. "Do you get me? The girl mustn't hear it and if any telegrams or messages come, you bring 'em to me, first, see?" Then to the stage door-man he gave a similar command, and looked at his watch.

Somebody wot wasn't likely to live long, that's the sort o' man or woman 'e wanted me to insure. 'A child'll do, says 'e, smiling, an' tells me 'ow a large family may be made a source of blessing to parents 'oo are wise enough to insure in the Popular Thrifty. Then it comes into my mind all of a sudden as 'ow Billy 'ud do a treat, an' I names 'im to Old Abey.

The ear-muff brigade was lettin' themselves out in fine style, tradin' in Ground Hog bonds, Hoboken gas, Moonshine preferred, and a whole lot of other ten-cent shares, as earnest as if they was under cover and biddin' on Standard Oil firsts. While I was lookin' 'em over, wonderin' what to do next, I spots Abey Winowski on the fringe of the push.

"Forget your grub for a moment, I have something to say. Here's a man with a heart full of love for other people while you and I are just trying to see what we can get out of them! A man who really has a religion and you're trying to turn him into a movie doll! Try to get it through your skull, Abey!" The great man's eyes were wide open. "Holy smoke, Mary! Vot's got into you?"

"Even so," returned that gentleman, glaring at the offender, "it doesn't give you the right to call me Abey. You've got to cut it out, Shine. Understand?" "Sure," said the affable Morris. "Only I've got a brother named Abraham, and that was my father's name too. It comes natural to me to Why, by gracious, she's got the Venus Belvedere lashed to the mast. Did you ever see "

"If you'd bin asleep inside the van when that theer blaze got started," said old Abey, rebukingly, as he hobbled along by the boy's side, "you wouldn't be whistlin' 'My Own Bluebell' now; your pore widowed mother, what lives in that theer little cottage o' mine at Porberry End and 'om I persuaded to insure you in the Popular Thrifty would 'ave 'ad a bit o' money comin' in 'andy for 'er Michaelmas rent, an' one or two other people would be a penny o' th' right side, likewise."

And if a feller vants to pull de tremulo stop fer a lot o' hoboes and Bullsheviki, and goes and spills his tears into his soup " It sounded fierce; but Mary apparently knew her Abey; also, she saw that Maw was starting to cry. "There's no use trying to bluff me, Abey. You know as well as I do there are hungry people in this city, and no fault of theirs.

The physician bent over the bed with his fingers on the pulse, and then bent his ear to the breast. "We have nothing more to do here," he announced briefly, "except to notify her daughter and the coroner. Have you the young woman's 'phone number?" The landlord nodded. All of these scraps of information were received by Mr. Abey Lewis.

What do ye mean, come home at once?" "But I tell you " "Go tell it somewhere else." Thomas Burton did not know that it was Abey Lewis himself who spoke. "I don't believe you you're trying to string somebody and if the Queen of China was dying she couldn't come now anyways."

She had reached the stage-door, other performers were leaving the theater. She gazed back into the face of Mr. Abey Lewis, and said blankly, "This evening what is this evening?" They sought to stop her, but there was something in those wide eyes that petrified them all. For the time Mr. Lewis remained as one hypnotized. The door-man was gazing at her with an expression of awe and wonderment.