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Kester shrank from her look, and even more from her silence. 'A'm come to ax pardon, said he, after a little pause. She was still silent. 'A'm noane above axing pardon, though a'm fifty and more, and thee's but a silly wench, as a've nursed i' my arms. A'll say before thy mother as a ought niver to ha' used them words, and as how a'm sorry for 't.

Daniel was just a little annoyed at the admiration which his own wife and daughter were bestowing on the specksioneer's wonderful stories, and he said 'Ay, ay. If a'd been a talker, ye'd ha' thought a deal more on me nor ye've iver done yet. A've seen such things, and done such things. 'Tell us, father! said Sylvia, greedy and breathless.

But a reckon he'd ha' been glad to hear as a've getten a lodger. Here she nodded her head in the direction of the door opening out of the house-place into the 'lean-to', which Sylvia had observed on drawing near the cottage, and the recollection of the mention of which by Kester had enabled her to identify widow Dobson's dwelling. 'He's a-bed yonder, the latter continued, dropping her voice.

"Mither! a' kent ye wudna forget yir laddie, for ye promised tae come, and a've feenished ma psalm. "And in God's house for evermore My dwelling-place shall be. "Gie me the kiss, mither, for a've been waitin' for ye, an' a'll sune be asleep."

Wayland jerked his horse roughly to a dead stop. "Mr. Matthews, for what reason are you saying all this?" "A'll tell y' that too! A've come for her, Wayland. A've come to take her back to her people. Y' don't understand, her father is a MacDonald of the Lovatt clan came out with Wolfe's regiment in 1759." "In 1759?" repeated Wayland. "I heard her father say that very year."

"Weel, that's a' that a' mind, an' the rest a' leave tae yersel'. A've neither kith nor kin tae bury me, sae you an' the neeburs 'ill need tae lat me doon; but gin Tammas Mitchell or Saunders be stannin' near and lookin' as if they wud like a cord, gie't tae them, Paitrick.

For the first time since he had been a soldier he had a horrid feeling of chagrin, of disappointment, of something that rebuffed and hurt. "A' see, sir-r," he said, "'tis no' ma wish to put mesel' forward, an' if A've been a wee bit free wi' the young laddies there was no disrespect in it. A' know ma place an' A'm no' ashamed o' it.

"Weel, that's a' that a' mind, an' the rest a' leave tae yersel'. A've neither kith nor kin tae bury me, sae you an' the neeburs 'ill need tae lat me doon; but gin Tammas Mitchell or Saunders be stannin' near and lookin' as if they wud like a cord, gie't tae them, Paitrick.

"A've got a bit iv a thraytise scribbled down, furbye a wheen o' other wans on han'. A thought mebbe" and his glance rested on the angelface of the sleeping child "well, A thought mebbe it would do hur no harrum fur people till know that hur father well-as ye might say Nat but what she'll hev money in the bank, plaze God.

Me lauch, wi' ma cauld, empty hame! "Yir the only man kens, Weelum, that I aince luved the noblest wumman in the glen or onywhere, an' a' luve her still, but wi' anither luve noo. "She had given her heart tae anither, or a've thocht a' micht hae won her, though nae man be worthy o' sic a gift.