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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Ay," she said, on my respectful allusion to her experience, "a've seen mair than most. It doesna become me to boast, but tho' I say it as sudna, I hae buried a' my ain fouk." Kirsty had a "way" in sick visiting, consisting in a certain cadence of the voice and arrangement of the face, which was felt to be soothing and complimentary.

He gave the pilot a grip which would have crushed a hand of ordinary muscularity. "A've run up against the young lady in ma travels," said Tam solemnly. Laramore laughed. "I saw her for a moment to-day and she asked me to remind you of your appointment." "An appointment with a lady?

A've niver tell'd thee what a come for tho', and it's about time for me t' be goin'. A'm off to t' Cheviots to-morrow morn t' fetch home some sheep as Jonas Blundell has purchased. It'll be a job o' better nor two months a reckon.

"See, doctor, the shadow of deith is on him that never lifts. A've seen it afore, on ma father an' mither. A' canna leave him, a' canna leave him." "It's hoverin', Bell, but it hesna fallen; please God it never wull. Gang but and get some sleep, for it's time we were at oor work.

A've a mind to go back an' have him oot; but that pot ash pate " what else the old man called her was more truthful than elegant for an expurgated age. They replaced the post of the barbed wire gate in its loop and mounted their horses. "Well, Sir?" asked Wayland. "I don't wish to offend your British sense of law; but which way now?" The old man left the reins hanging on the broncho's neck.

"Ye may not ask, but A'll tell you A'm seventy-four come Michaelmas, an' A've never looked into the bricht ees o' a lassie since A' lost me wee Jean, who flit wi' a colonel o' dragoons, in the year the battle of Balaklava was fought will ye shut yeer face whilst A'm dictatin'?" "Sorry," murmured the corporal and poised his pencil.

Sylvia, hastily wiping her tears on her apron, ran out and threw her arms round her father, as if to burst out afresh on his neck. 'Nay, nay, my wench, it's thee as mun be a comfort to mother: nay, nay, or thou'll niver hear what a've got to say.

"A' wudna hae minded," explained Elspeth, settling down to narrative, "hoo mony heads he gied oot, no tho' he hed titched the hundred. A've cause tae be gratefu' for a guid memory, and a've kept it in fine fettle wi' sermons. My wy is tae place ilka head at the end o' a shelf and a' the pints aifter it in order like the plates there," and Mrs.

A' wud like to hae it exact for Drumsheugh." "Thae's the eedentical words, an' they're true; there's no a man in Drumtochty disna ken that, except ane." "An' wha's that, Jamie?" "It's Weelum MacLure himsel. Man, a've often girned that he sud fecht awa for us a', and maybe dee before he kent that he hed githered mair luve than ony man in the Glen.

"A'm lookin' for'ard to the day when it'll be a coort-martial offense to ask yeer superior officer for matches here's one. Don't strike it till ye give me one of yeer common cigarets." The corporal produced a packet. "A'll ask ye as a favor not to let the men know A've descended to this low an' vulgar habit," said Tam.

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