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I ken the sough o' her texts, that sound just like the wind blawing through the spence; and there's Kettledrummle setting to wark, too Lordsake, if the sodgers anes get angry, they'll murder them baith, and us for company!"

Thinkin it wasna advisable to slight a message o' sae pressin a nature, an' curious to ken wha it was that could be wantin me, an' what he could be wantin me for, I leaped down, resolvin to mak my legs, which were gay an' lang an' souple anes, save my distance, an' havin nae doubt they wad, critical as the case was.

"Have you met any naked savages since you left your distant country?" asked one of the sports, with a wink at his comrade. "Naked savages, is't, you mean? Ay, that I hae, or nearly naked anes," was the quick reply.

And then I wished to find out, for the satisfaction of Monsieur and myself, how so strange a cavalcade came to arrive upon the St. Bernard Pass. "I made myself polite. I spoke with praise of the ânes, and though my advances were coldly received at first, at the very moment I would in discouragement have ceased my efforts, the young woman changed her front, and seemed willing to talk.

Edie; for, from all I heard dat one other night, I do much believes" "Now I," said Ochiltree, entering the chancel, and flinging abroad his arm with an air of defiance, "I wadna gie the crack o' my thumb for him were he to appear at this moment: he's but a disembodied spirit, as we are embodied anes."

"Miss Graeme's but a bairn herself, with little thought and less experience; and its no' to be supposed that the rest will take heed to her. The little anes are no' so ill to do with; but these twa laddies are just spirits o' mischief, for as quiet as Norman looks; and they come home from the school with torn clothes, till Miss Graeme is just dazed with mending at them.

"The dangerous time is by now," said the little girl who had followed; "it seldom lasts beyond the time that the sun's ower the hill; ye may gang in and speak wi' him now. I'll wait for you at the other side of the linn; he canna bide to see twa folk at anes." Slowly and cautiously, and keeping constantly upon his guard, Morton presented himself to the view of his old associate in command.

Ye micht maybe be thinking we were gaun to fa' out o' acquaintanceship; but I'm no ane o' yer conceited creatures wha despise auld freends, and rin after new anes, merely because they may think them brawer sae ye may keep yer mind easy on that score; and I wad farther tak the liberty to assure yer leddyship that, if ye hae ony siller by ye at present, I winna hesitate to gie ye a proof o' the continuance o' my freendship, by offerin' to tak frae ye as meikle as I may need."

"Monsieur," began Joseph, "have you in English a way of expressing in one word what a man feels when he is both shocked and astonished?" "Flabbergasted might do, at a pinch," I replied, after deliberation. "Ah, the good word, 'flabbergasta'! It says much. It is that I am flabbergasta by the young woman of the ânes. I was taken, I admit it, Monsieur, by her face, as was but natural.

"I thank ye, Sam'l," said Bell, feeling an unwonted elation as she gazed at the two paper bags in her lap. "Ye're ower extravegint, Sam'l," Lisbeth said. "Not at all," said Sam'l; "not at all. But I widna advise ye to eat thae ither anes, Bell they're second quality." Bell drew back a step from Sam'l. "How do ye kin?" asked the farmer shortly, for he liked Sanders.