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Updated: August 25, 2024

"The luntin' pipe an' sneeshin' mill Are handed round wi' richt guid will; The canty auld folks crackin' crouse, The young anes rantin' through the house My heart has been sae fain to see them, That I for joy hae barkit wi' them." It was this ardent power of sympathy that was fatal to so many women, and, through Jean Armour, to himself at last.

"Ay," he said to the minister, "that's what it is to be an onpopular man. And now I'll hae to turn back, for the very anes that winna let me join them would be the first to complain if I gaed out o' bounds." Gavin found Dow at New Zealand, a hamlet of mud houses, whose tenants could be seen on any Sabbath morning washing themselves in the burn that trickled hard by.

To requite which manifold courtesies, he carried off, not only all the gold, but all the Indians he could seize, and took them in irons to Cubagua, and sold them for slaves; after which, Delgado was shot in the eye by an Indian, of which hurt he died;" Pedro d'Orsua, who found the cinnamon forests of Loxas, "whom his men murdered, and afterwards beheaded Lady Anes his wife, who forsook not her lord in all his travels unto death," and many another, who has vanished with valiant comrades at his back into the green gulfs of the primaeval forests, never to emerge again.

She's ministerin' to them 'at hae mony preeviledges nae doot, but hae room for mair." "I'm no saying naething," said Bruce. "Ye are sayin'. Ye're offendin' ane o' his little anes. Tak ye tent o' the millstane." "Hoot toot! Tibbie. I was only wissin 'at she wad keep a sma' part o' her ministrations for her ain hame and her ain fowk 'at has the ministerin' to her.

I was always watching, but never saw them. The ânes had more endurance than I thought, and as for that Innocentina, she is a daughter of Satan; she would know no fatigue." "It would be like that little brat to gobble up the one spare room of the Cantine as he did the one chicken of the 'Déjeûner," I muttered. "But we shall see what we shall see."

As for the whistle, it was gaen anes and ay; but mony a time was it heard at the top of the house on the bartizan, and amang the auld chimneys and turrets where the howlets have their nests. Sir John hushed the matter up, and the funeral passed over without mair bogle-wark.

Your Maiestie hath vouchsafed, in respect and consideration of the good seruice of Anthonie Anes Pinteado, dwelling in the port, and sonne of Iohn Anes, to make him knight of your house, with ordinarie allowance, of seuen hundred reis pension by the moneth, and one alcaire of barley by the day, as long as he keepeth a horse: and to be paide according to the ordinance of your house, with condition that hee shall haue but one marriage gift: and that not within the space of sixe yeres after the making of these letters Patents.

Few guests come to this puir place, and I haena custom eneugh to hire servants. I had anes twa fine sons that lookit after a' thing. But God gives and takes away, His name be praised!" she continued, turning her clouded eyes towards Heaven. "I was anes better off, that is, waridly speaking, even since I lost them; but that was before this last change."

They were commanded by two captains; one of whom was a foreigner named Antonio Anes Pinteado, a native of Oporto in Portugal, a wise, discreet, and sober man, who, for his skill in navigation both as an experienced pilot and prudent commander, was at one time in such favour with the king of Portugal, that the coasts of Brazil and Guinea were committed to his care against the French, to whom he was a terror in these seas.

"The puir bairn!" said auld Edie, "an he sleeps in this damp hole, he'll maybe wauken nae mair, or catch some sair disease. It's no the same to him as to the like o' us, that can sleep ony gate an anes our wames are fu'. Sit up, Maister Lovel, lad! After a's come and gane, I dare say the captain-lad will do weel eneugh and, after a', ye are no the first that has had this misfortune.

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