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Updated: November 10, 2024
Lounsbury laid down his gun. When he straightened, he stepped to her side. "Me?" he said. "Well, I'm a match for him. You ain't. But what else?" She moved aside, averting her face. "There is something, Miss Dallas?" "Y-e-e-s." He saw she was disconcerted, and strove to put her at ease. "Do you know," he said, "you're so tall in that coat, you almost look like a 'heap big chief."
A very long pause ensued during which George appeared to be putting his imaginative powers to frightful over-exertion. His forehead wrinkled, his lips twitched, his head moved this way and that, once or twice a gleam of inspiration passed over his face, and then the expression of the deep and puzzled thinker came on again. Finally he said "Y-e-e-s. Me tell 'em, sometimes me see Toby."
"Y-e-e-s," said the boy, and drawled it out because he didn't believe the goosey-gander could ever do it; yet he didn't wish to contradict him. "But I don't think I can get along all alone on such a journey," said the goosey-gander. "I'd like to ask if you couldn't come along and help me?"
"There certainly must be a great deal of satisfaction in pinning one's foe to a tree," I nodded. "Y-e-e-s, I suppose so," said Dorothy rather dubiously. "And where is Spotted Snake I mean, what is he doing?" "Oh, he's down by the river with his bow and arrow, scouting for canoes. It was great fun!
He came upon her unexpectedly as he circled a stack. She was crouching in plain sight against the hay, her face still hidden in the recesses of the bonnet. He rushed up to her and took her by the shoulders. "I've got you!" he said, but so low that the neighbor woman's daughter, who was just a few steps away behind a fanning-mill, could scarcely hear him. "Y-e-e-s," stammered the little girl.
Tell me, fellow," turning with sudden fierceness upon the dismayed understrapper, "is your master at home?" "Y-e-e-s! That is, I think so, ma'am." "Go and tell him to come here, then. Go, or I'll " The dreadful object made one stride toward the lofty servitor, who turned and fled toward the library. But Mr.
The young girl's pencil fairly flew over the paper, as, still without looking up, she lifted a pretty voice and answered back, "Y-e-e-s!" It struck him that her accent was also that of a compatriot. "Where on earth are you?" continued the first voice, which now appeared to come from the other side of the willows on the path by which the young girl had approached.
"Well," he replied, slowly, "of course, one could scarcely expect them to rejoice. They have never seen you. In fact, I doubt if either of them knew their father had a brother, living." "Y-e-e-s. That part don't surprise me. But the rest of it does. By the miracles of the prophets! the rest of it does!
Jimmie looked frightened, came round the class, and up to the master. "Now, then," continued the master, facing Jimmie round in front of Betsy Dan, who was still using her apron upon her eyes, "tell Elizabeth you are sorry." Jimmie stood in an agony of silent awkwardness, curving himself in varying directions. "Are you sorry?" "Y-e-e-s." "Well, tell her so."
"Y-e-e-s," admitted Anne, "I took it up and I pinned it on my breast just to see how it would look." "You had no business to do anything of the sort. It's very wrong in a little girl to meddle. You shouldn't have gone into my room in the first place and you shouldn't have touched a brooch that didn't belong to you in the second. Where did you put it?" "Oh, I put it back on the bureau.
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