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After some demur he consented, having first informed Freda that ''ittle Minnie, and Winnie, and Dot, and baby' were all coming to dinner. 'A family party! groaned Freda, when the child was carried away by its nurse, 'myself the only rightful member of the family, and probably the only one who will feel as if she doesn't belong to it.

"But what about Joy?" "Oh, well, Joy took Winniehe was so funny and muddy, you don't know—'cause she brought him, you know, and so they came home, and I thought she knew the way as much as could be, and I guess that's all." "Well," said her mother, after a pause, "what do you think about it?" "About what?" "Do you think you have done just right, Gypsy?"

She teetered to the door of her aunt's room and carefully keeping out of her range of vision announced that she was going up town for a little walk. "All right, dearie, have a nice time," answered Aunt Trudy, rocking placidly. "Tell Winnie to answer the telephone if it rings, because I don't want to have to go down stairs."

But I was merely communing with myself: I was saying to myself, 'My love of North Wales, and especially of Snowdon, is certainly very strong; but it is easily accounted for it is a matter of temperament. Even had Wales not been associated with Winnie, I still must have dearly loved it. Much has been said about the effect of scenery upon the minds and temperaments of those who are native to it.

"You're a dear, darling Winnie!" she cried affectionately. "I'll stop thinking about what I'm going to wear this minute, and go to work on what I'm going to cook. Miss Parsons hates fussy clothes, anyway, and I'll wear my white linen under my apron and be comfortable. Hugh thinks I'm silly to wear the velvet, I know he does."

Winnie said: "Do you know, you feel differently about money from the way we do in New York. Do you realize it?" "I'm not sure," said he. "How do you mean?" "You look at it in an old-fashioned sort of way a person has to earn it it's a sign of something he's done. It came to me just now, all in a flash we don't feel that way about money. We haven't any of us earned ours; we've just got it.

To those who knew him, and knew him well, this confidential conversation with the woman whose platonic friendship he had enjoyed through so many years would certainly have caused greatest surprise. That he was a schemer was entirely undreamed of. That he was attracted by "Winnie Heyburn" was declared to be only natural, in view of the age and affliction of her own husband.

"De only danger, Miss Winnie, lies in your fadder losin' his head at sitch a t'riffic height, an' dar's no fear at all ob dat, for Massa neber loses his head pooh! you might as well talk ob him losin' his heart. Look! look! he git close to de hole now he put his foot yes next step dar! he've done it!"

"She needn't ask me to paint anything in her album, for I shan't do her even a pencil sketch!" declared Winnie. "I wish I hadn't given her the rest of my chocolates! I wouldn't have done so if I'd known," said Avis.

If I were to whistle, by-and-by, in the tone that tells my danger, she would break this stable-door down, and rush into the room to me. Nothing will keep her from me then, stone-wall or church-tower. Ah, Winnie, Winnie, you little witch, we shall die together." Then he turned away with a joke, and began to feed her nicely, for she was very dainty.