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"Let's try t' think jus' o' all our nice friends," he coaxed. "Mister Perkins, and One-Eye, and Mrs. Kukor, and " "Let's call to Mrs. Kukor!" she pleaded. "Let's try to make her hear!" "He'll whip us again if we do!" Johnnie cautioned. "And, Cis, I don't think I could stand any more whippin'. Oh, don't holler, Cis. Let's rest jus' rest!" A weakness came over him suddenly, and he could not go on.

"Dog-gone! hain't he a funny feller!" said the milk-faced boy, with his big eyes lifted wistfully to the boy in the window. "He says onc't his pap broke his arm w'en he was whippin' him," whispered the boy in the window. "Bet his pa's a wicked man!" said the milk-faced boy, in a dreamy, speculative way "s'pect he's a drunkard, er somepin'!"

I nevah heard o' nobody dyin' f'm gittin' a beatin'. Some couldn't wuk fer a day or so. Sometimes de whippin' boss th'ow salt brine on dey backs, or smear on turpentine, to mek it well quicker. I don't know, 'zackly, how old I is. Mebbe wait a minute, I didn't show you my pitcher what was in de paper. I cain't read, but somebody say dey put down how old I is undah mah pitcher.

Give Stubbs a good poundin', an' perhaps that 'll make you feel better." "That won't bring back my money an' I don't want to whip him," cried Toby, hugging his pet the closer because of this suggestion. "I know what it is to get a whippin', an' I wouldn't whip a dog, much less Mr. Stubbs, who didn't know any better."

But then agin I have seen believers in Theosiphy that could do wonders, and seemed indeed to have got marvelous control over the forces of Natur. And now the idee of my whippin' 'em for it. Why you wouldn't ketch me at it. And Spiritualism now! I spoze, and I about know that there are lots of folks that won't ever see into any other world than this, till the breath leaves their body.

And so, knowin' that the law approved of "moderate correction" for wimmen, and that "a man might whip his wife, but not enough to endanger her life," he bein' such a master hand for wantin' to do every thing faithful, and do his very best for his customers, it was s'posed that he wanted to do his best for the law; and so, when he got to whippin' Drusilla, he would whip her too severe he would be too faithful to it.

So I advise you to keep your opinions to yourself for a spell, any way. A heap on ’em come here, and are surprised not to find a whippin’ post stuck up in a corner of every yard. I don’t say you are one of ’em; but we don’t think no better of a body when they jine in with us so soon." This speech somewhat disconcerted young Raymond, who was anxious to get into Mr.

"Turn back when I tell you!" Cliff twisted around as far as his safety belt would permit, that he might glare at Johnny. His tone was the long of stern authority. "Can't be done! The Thunder Bird's took the bit in her teeth. I'm just riding' and whippin' down both sides!"

He never changed his name of colt as long as he lived, and he was as old as the hills; and though he had the best of feed, was as thin as a whippin' post. He was colt all his days always young always poor; and young and poor you'll be, I guess to the eend of the chapter." On our return to the inn, the weather, which had been threatening for some time past, became very tempestuous.

"Nearer nearer," she exclaimed, "they are nearer whippin' and spurrin' their horses! Hugh O'Regan, that was the sun of my life, and of my heart, and ever without a cloud, hasten to the God of mercy!