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Similar reasoning left nearly all the other vessels under precisely the same canvass. The ships of the vice-admiral's division had closed in the night, agreeably to an order given before quitting the anchorage, which directed them to come within the usual sailing distance, in the event of the weather's menacing a separation.

Well, and what seems to be the trouble?" inquired the doctor with that sort of purring patter which one can readily believe to be the first thing learned by a student of medicine. "Caught a slight chill, perhaps? The weather's been a bit tricky." "Ah, I think it is that," put in the Frenchwoman eagerly. "That Wednesday at the polo, Charles, when it came on to rain...."

"You look as though they'd put you through it," Sir Henry remarked. His visitor smiled. "I've travelled fourteen miles in a barrel," he said, "and we were out for twenty-four hours in a Danish sailing skiff. You know what the weather's been like in the North Sea.

I start work in the mornin', two dollars a day an' board myself. It'd been a dollar an' a half if he furnished the board. I told 'm I liked the other way best, an' that I had my camp with me. The weather's fine, an' we can make out a few days till your foot's in shape. Come on. We'll pitch a regular, decent camp."

You are a an angel-woman, but you can play a she-devil like an inspired creature. You don't mean that you seriously contemplate ruining my reputation and your own by " "I mean," said the angel-woman, sipping her sauterne, "that I don't care a flip for your reputation or mine the weather's too hot but I'm not going to trail through another slimy play! No; I'll go into the movies first!"

But the weather's uncommon close, and it's a long walk here, and I'm a'most fit to drop, askin' your pardon, sir. I wrote down the number of the house, Master Tom, to make sure there it is. If you please, I'll go down-stairs, and ask the servants for a cup o' tea, and I wish you a good arternoon, sir, and am glad to see you lookin' a trifle better at last."

"Oh, I can work them easy enough," said the young man; "but I don't want to go down there just now the weather's cold, and I have a lot of engagements and a matter on hand that requires my presence here now." His father's brow clouded. Matters had not been going well of late. The Wentworths had been growing cooler both in business and in social life.

"Lord save us, Jos! Hev we reelly took in Injuns? What on airth Well, well, she's fond uv her baby's enny white woman! I kin see thet; an', Injun or no Injun, they've got to stay naow. Yer couldn't turn a dog out 'n sech weather's this. I bet thet baby's father wuz white, then. Look at them blue eyes." Ramona listened and looked intently, but could understand nothing.

This he enclosed in the envelope, directed to the name on the slip of paper. Then he opened the door. "Fogarty." "Yes, cap'n." "Take this to the village and drop it in the post yourself. The weather's clearin', and you won't be wanted for a while," and he strode out and joined his men. September weather on Barnegat beach! Fine gowns and fine hats on the wide piazzas of Beach Haven!

Green set up a tent onshore, and spent the night there, in order to observe an eclipse of the first satellite of Jupiter; but they met with a disappointment, in consequence of the weather's becoming cloudy. The next day, the lieutenant, with as many of his people as could possibly be spared from the ship, began to erect the fort.