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"An' yet," sighed Mottle-face, "'e 'ad a werry good 'eart as 'ighvaymen's 'earts go; never shot nobody unless 'e couldn't help it, an' ven 'e did, 'e allus made a werry neat job of it, an' polished 'em off nice an' qvick." "Hum!" said the fussy gentleman, "still, I'm glad he's hanged." "Black Dan used to vork the roads south o' London,

Sponge, observed Buckram, thoughtfully, at the same time letting go a tremendous avalanche of silver down his trouser pocket, 'Rumbleton won't do, repeated he, 'nor Jack-a-Dandy nouther. 'Why, I wouldn't commend neither on 'em, replied Peter, taking his cue from his master, 'only ven you axes me vot there's in, you knows vy I must give you a cor-rect answer, in course.

Der ball was chust gittin' control uf me ven he tookt me oudt." Farnham Hall did not score in the first half of the ninth. Diamond was the first batter up for the Merries, and he laced out a clean single. "That's the stuff!" cried Frank. "Only three scores! We'll get 'em right here!" Browning lifted a fly to left field, and Bemis scooped it. Diamond reached second.

Hereupon the hermit proceeded to enter into details of the flora, fauna, and geology of his island-home, and to expatiate in such glowing language on its arboreal and herbal wealth and beauty, that the professor became quite reconciled to immediate departure. "But how," he asked, "am I to get zere ven ve reach zee sea-coast? for your canoe holds only t'ree, as you have told me."

"How awful a position," he reflected. "Oh, I hope it may still be dark ven we get to ze station."

"Comes a walking delegate by the opposite side of the street and makes with his hands motions," he explained. "So they goes out on strike." Few of the striking operators could speak English, but those that did nodded their corroboration. "For what you strike?" Morris asked them. "Moost strike," one of them replied. "Ven varking delegate say moost strike, ve moost strike."

"I vos swimming as hard as nefer vos," he explained, "and had just got in front of the tree, ven as true as I don't live, it banged right down on top mit me and nearly knocked out my brains out. I grabbed hold of it, when it raised up and frowed me over its head. Den I gots mad and swims ashore."

"See," he said, "dere vas der pook vich make mankind brudders. I tell you how you help. I vas poor. I haf no money. I lif on noddings, und dem noddings I peg. Ven I see you und you dot money gif me, I say 'Dis man he haf soul! He shall be save. Den I say more as dot. I say he shall join his hand mit me.

"Oh, I don'd vos know abouid dot, Tim," was the reply. "I think dot I vill do some fighdin' myselufs alretty, ven ve get der retgoads at, yahs." "Maybe so," grinned Tim. "We wull wait an see how yez act whin we come face to face wid the ridcoats." "Oh, you'll both be brave soldiers, no doubt," said Tom. "But, you won't be any ahead of Dick, Ben and myself.

He gome mighty near gillin' his pest vrient to-day in de gourt-house droben, ven he vas dellin' vat he knowed apout it alleweil." "A regular fire-eater," said Offitt. "So you've finished, have you? How much for the job!" The German was looking at a stain on the breast of the coat. "Vot's dish?" he said. "Looksh like baint.