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Mayor woult be happy to see you, and ter Tominie, dat ist of your party; and ter gentleman dat acted as clerk, ven he lectured old Doortje, Mr. Mayor's cook." Mr. Mayor's cook! Here, then, a secret was out, with a vengeance!

Dey put up vat you call it puppets, vat dey call Socialists, dey make a government here in Archangel, vat dey call Russian! Dey fool demselves, but dey don't fool de Russians!" "They think this government will spread," said Jimmie. "It vill spread just so far as de armies go just so far. But in Russia, all de people come together all are Bolsheviki, ven dey see de foreign armies coming.

The more I have seen of Mr. Mooney since we took the road, the less I am inclined to yield in this matter." Albrecht laughed coarsely, his face reddening. "Oh, bah!" he exclaimed, gruffly derisive. "Ven you begome star then you can have dem tantrums, but not now, not mit me. You blay vat I say, or I send back after some von else. You bedder not get too gay, or you lose your job damn quick.

I neet you ven ze bad come into my heart and drive out ze good and tender, and leave only ze hard, and make me crazy and full of dream of fortune. Zen I am out of myself and den I neet you ze most, Corinne. Zat I haf been cruel and vicked, I know, but I am punish now. Now, I neet you in my despair, but if you come to speak bitter, I am sorry to haf send for you." "I'll not be bitter, Tulitz.

General Haldane, as commander of the 6th Corps, paraded them, and poked his stick at the more wizened ones, the obviously unfit, the degenerates, and said at each prod, "You can go... You. ..You...." The Bantam Division ceased to exist. They afforded many jokes to the army. One anecdote went the round. "Shut ze door ven you come out," said the old woman of his billet. "Fermez la porte, mon vieux."

You can't make 'em give in, not even when they're mortal hit; that's the crusher of it." "Vell, vhat matter that ven you have hit 'em?" expostulated the more philosophic Jew. "Why, it is a fleecing of one," retorted the welsher savagely, even amid his successes. "A clear fleecing of one.

I haf tell der peauties of der commune, vere no selfishness vas, no law, but efery man equal und none petter as some udder. I haf describe it all. Nopody can dot pook reat mitout he say ven he lay him down, 'I vil be an Anarchist." Mr. Bludoffski had become intensely interested in his own remarks. He picked his manuscripts from the table and caressed them lovingly.

Vat can you expect for to come to, Master Caxton, if you don't pay de care dat is proper to your own dood name, de e, and de o? Ach? let me see no more of your vile corruptions! Mein Gott! Pi! ven de name is Pei!" The next post brought a sad damper to my scholastic exultation. The letter ran thus:

"Take notice," said Louchard, before taking the money, "I am only selling a piece of information, pure and simple. I can give you the name and address of the only man who is able to be of use to you but he is a master " "Get out mit you," cried Nucingen. "Dere is not no name dat is vort one tousant crown but dat von Varschild and dat only ven it is sign at the bottom of a bank-bill.

A year ago his little home was first invaded by the flood, and himself and wife, and his son's family, were driven from it to the hills for safety but the old man's telling of the story can not be improved upon. It ran like this: "Last year, ven I svwim out fon dot leedle home off mine, mit my vife, unt my son, his vife unt leedle girls, I dink dot's der last time goot-by to dose proberty!