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In the haste of my departure from San Francisco I had not brought a trunk, so the best I was able to produce in the way of a crusher for Miss Higglesby-Browne and her fellow-passengers was a cool little white gown, which would shine at least by contrast with Miss Browne's severely utilitarian costume.

I had carefully prepared myself to take rather a back seat in that ship because of the uncommonly select material that would alone be permitted to pass through the camel's eye of that committee on credentials; I had schooled myself to expect an imposing array of military and naval heroes and to have to set that back seat still further back in consequence of it maybe; but I state frankly that I was all unprepared for this crusher.

Worshipped by him, O king, that best of steeds then proceeded to the realms of the Kasis, the Angas, the Kosalas, the Kiratas, and the Tanganas. Receiving due honours in all those realms, Dhananjaya turned his course. Indeed, the son of Kunti then proceeded to the country of the Dasarnas. The ruler of that people was Chitrangada who was endued with great strength and was a crusher of foes.

"If you didn't get the letter, how do you know any was written, and that there was anything in it?" asked Alonzo triumphantly, feeling that the question was a crusher. "I don't care to tell you how I know it. Do you deny it?" "I don't remember whether Uncle Oliver gave me any letter or not." "Will you be kind enough to give me his address in Florida, so that I may write to him and find out?"

It is claimed for this mill that it will pulverise to a gauge of 900 holes to the square inch from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tons per hour, or, say roughly, 150 tons per week. The Huntingdon mill is a good crusher and amalgamator where the material to be operated on is comparatively soft, but does not do such good work when the stone is of a hard flinty nature.

Occasionally some one in the council would suggest that the stone crusher be taken out to the bluffs, a couple of miles, and set to work, when another one would move, to amend by inserting a clause that the bluffs be moved into the city to be crushed, as it would save expense. Then the matter would drop. For three years that stone crusher stood there, and it never crushed a pebble.

The Mormon Hill "Quartz Crusher" relieved this simple directness with more fancy: "We don't know why Messrs. and Co. send us, under the title of 'Selections of Californian Poetry, a quantity of slumgullion which really belongs to the sluices of a placer mining camp, or the ditches of the rural districts.

There was some more talk of this sort, then Uncle Laxart said: "You have done the will of God, dear, and are quits; it is true, and none may deny it; but what of the King? You are his best soldier; what if he command you to stay?" That was a crusher and sudden!

Had the tramp had his knife it might have gone hard with Raften, but fist to fist the farmer had the odds. His old-time science turned the day, and the desperado went down with a crusher "straight from the shoulder." It seemed a veritable battle-field three on the ground and Raften, red-faced and puffing, but sturdy and fearless, standing in utter perplexity. "Phwhat the divil does it all mane?"

But when I told Lorna whom I could trust in any matter of secrecy, as if she had never been a woman all about my great descent, and the honeycombing of the earth, and the mournful noise at eventide, when the gold was under the crusher and bewailing the mischief it must do, then Lorna's chief desire was to know more about Simon Carfax.