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"Well, that's unfort'nate appears as if killing parties was a waste of time. Howsomever, sperrits don't reckon for much, by what I've seen. I'll chance it with the sperrits, Jim. And now you've spoke up free, and I'll take it kind if you'd step down into that there cabin and get me a well, a shiver my timbers! I can't hit the name on't.

"He's killed himself," she cried. "It's unfort'nate Stiggs done over again there goes another counterpane God pity his poor mother! it will be the ruin of my house. Has the poor lad a sister? Where's that girl? there, Betty, go to Snarles the Painter, and tell him to paint me a sign, with "no suicides permitted here, and no smoking in the parlor;" might as well kill both birds at once. Kill?

It only tells what be in some other unfort'nate person's mind. It don't affect what's in my own," "Hullo!" hailed a voice behind them. "Comparin' love-letters, you young men?" The speaker was Nicky-Nan, come to survey the desolation of his 'taty-patch. Young Obed hastily crammed his envelope into his pocket. But Seth Minards turned about with a frank smile. "You may see mine, Mr Nanjivell.

I was passable enough when I went with the tinker, though nothing to boast of then; but what with blowing the fire with my mouth when I was young, and spileing my complexion, and singeing my hair off, and swallering the smoke, and what with being nat'rally unfort'nate in the way of running against hot metal and marking myself by sich means, and what with having turn-ups with the tinker as I got older, almost whenever he was too far gone in drink which was almost always my beauty was queer, wery queer, even at that time.

Veil, vot vith your qviet, innocent looks and vays, and vot vith me a-adding two and two together and werry carefully making 'em three, my case is spiled won't come off, can't come off, mustn't come off!" "What in the world do you mean?" "Mean, sir? I mean as, if Number Vun is the murderer, and Number Two is the accessory afore the fact, then Number Three the unfort'nate wictim is vait a bit!"

Day arter day, that there unfort'nate ship behaved noble, I'm told, and did her duty brave, my Pretty, but at one blow a'most her bulwarks was stove in, her masts and rudder carried away, her best men swept overboard, and she left in the mercy of the storm as had no mercy, but blowed harder and harder yet, while the waves dashed over her, and beat her in, and every time they come a thundering at her, broke her like a shell.

'Ere's you now, Number Three, as I might say, the unfort'nate wictim as was to be 'ere you are a-valking up to Fate axing to be made a corp', and vot do you get? not so much as a scrat not a westige of a scrat, v'ile another unfort'nate wictim vill run avay from Fate, run? ah! 'eaven's 'ard! and werry nat'ral too! and vot does 'e get? 'e gets made a corp' afore 'e knows it.

"Ha! Tom, is that you?" exclaimed George joyously. "I was just coming to look for you. How have you fared in the general smash?" "Is that you, cap'n?" answered Tom. "Well, I'm very glad to find you've turned up all right. It has been a smash, and no mistake; a total wreck, and no insurance, I'll be bound. Well, it's unfort'nate; but it can't be helped; it might ha' been much worse.

Half-way along this dim alley he paused, and seating himself upon a dim step, fell to mopping his brow. "A extra-special capital place, this, sir!" said he. "Bankside's good enough for a capital job, but this is better, ah, a sight better! Many a unfort'nate wictim has been made a corp' of, hereabouts, sir!"

Shrig, beginning to finger his ear again, "unfort'nate wictims is born to be vell, let's say unfort'nate. You can't 'elp 'em being born wictims. I can't 'elp it, nobody can't, for natur' vill 'ave 'er own vay, sir, and I ain't vun to go agin natur' nor yet to spile a good case, good cases is few enough. Oh, life ain't all lavender, as I said afore, burn my neck if it is!" And here Mr.