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As he watched her cool movements Saunders felt the presence of an enemy worthy of his steel, and his emulation rose. "I understan', Mrs. Costrell," he said, speaking with great civility, "as the cupboard where John put his money is a cupboard hon the stairs? Not in hany room, but hon the stairs? Yer'll kindly correck me if I say anythin' wrong." Bessie nodded.

That hasn't anything to do with me. And do you know, boys, that's the first time that I could understan' that telegram? "It was such a good joke, howeveh, that I did jolly Wood into giving me an o'deh. From the Springs I went right up to Deadwood.

But I was daown on my luck ag'in; fer at the fust word I spoke of merryin', she showed me the door, an' give me to understan' that she couldn't think er hevin' a man that warn't a church-member, that hadn't experienced religion, or even ben struck with conviction, an' all the rest on't.

"'Scuse me, Mist' Rosen," he said, "fur bre'kin' in on you lak dis, but I got a little sumpin' to say to you in mos' strictes' confidence. Seems lak to me I heard tell lately dat you'd had a little trouble wid some white folkses down de line. Co'se dat ain't none o' my business. I jes' mentioned it so's you'd understan' whut it is I wants to talk wid you about."

"'Well, sez he. "'An' ye remember how the children used to watch ye an' wonder what ye was makin'! "'Sartinly, sez he. "'An' how they used to pick up the shavin's ye planed off, an' brung them inter the house. "He kalkerlated he did. "'Well then, sez I, 'John, them children didn't understan' what ye was makin', but they could pick up the shavin's an' make use of 'em.

She smiled and seated herself on a mat beside my couch, then rising suddenly she placed her hand on mine, and said as she looked into my eyes "Why do you speak Englis* to me, Simi? Who has been tell you I understan' Englis'?" "No one, Niâbon. I did not know you could speak English or even understand it. Who taught you?"

It's behind you there in the cave." Wilder did as requested. "It will depend a good deal upon what sort of rock this is around us. It isn't flint, anyhow. I take it to be either lime or sandstone. If so, we needn't stay here much longer than it would be safe to go out again among those bloodthirsty savages." "How do you mean, Frank? Darn me if I yet understan ye." "It's very simple, Walt.

Limp, quaveringly. "Ah, there's better folks spend their money worse," said a firm-voiced dyer, whose crimson hands looked out of keeping with his good-natured face. "But he won't keep his money, by what I can make out," said the glazier. "Don't they say as there's somebody can strip it off him? By what I can understan', they could take every penny off him, if they went to lawing."

But independent thinking was the last thing that Maga intended to permit me. "No, no! No, no, no! You must dee-cide now at once! There is no time. Now now I give you five six mens now they seize that woman Gloria now you carry 'er away into the mountains now you make 'er yours your own, you understan', so as she is ashamed to deny it afterward yes? you see?" "Where are the men?" I demanded.

Two hands met in the strong clasp of those who had shared a thousand dangers and who had never failed each other. "I thought when I made the call that it would be you, Sol," said Henry. "An' I knowed it must be you, Henry," said the shiftless one, showing his double row of shining white teeth, "'cause you're the only one in the woods who kin understan' our signals."