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Otherwise, I should often have been glad to converse with such a solid, useful, and substantial, if not brilliant member of society." "Oh!" replied the ancient chair, in a quiet and easy tone, for it had now cleared its throat of the dust of ages. "I am naturally a silent and incommunicative sort of character. Once or twice, in the course of a century, I unclose my lips.

Like one in a dream, Uncle Nat walked from room to room, asking every half hour if it were not almost time for the train, and wondering if Dora would recognize him if no one told her who he was. Scarcely less excited, Mr. Hastings, too, waited and watched; and when, just at dark, he heard the door unclose, and Dora's voice in the hall without, the rapid beating of his heart was distinctly audible.

if memory had not failed me, I might have quoted that line often and appropriately enough. But every agent in the "robbery" from the vainglorious Virginian, my chief captor, down to the smooth Secretary, whose velvet gripe was so loth to unclose seemed provokingly bent on exaggerating the importance of their prize.

I have rejoiced greatly in labour and adventure: My heart hath been enlarged in the spending of my strength. Now it is all gone yet I am not impoverished: For thus only may I inherit the treasure of repose. Blessed be the Lord that teacheth my hands to unclose and my fingers to loosen: He also giveth comfort to the feet that are washed from the dust of the way.

The other, in a long white glove, rested on the table, and presently the fingers of it began gently to close and unclose, making, as they did this, a faint shuffling noise against the cloth. Miss Van Tuyn glanced at those fingers and then again at Craven, but for the moment he did not notice her.

All was as a dream that falls upon a restless, feverish night, and fades away as the eyes unclose on the peace of a cloudless heaven, on the bliss of a golden sun. A new morrow seemed indeed upon the earth when I woke from a life-long yesterday, her dear hand in mine, her sweet face bowed upon my breast.

There are times when Ravel has but to touch a note, and we unclose; when he has but to let an instrument sing a certain phrase, and things which lie buried deep in the heart rise out of the dark, like the nymph in his piano-poem, dripping with stars.

The court-artist obtained from the latter a promise to present his pupil Navarrete to the grey-Haired prince of artists. Everything was now ready for departure; Ulrich again packed his belongings in the studio, but with very different feelings from the first time. He was a man, he now knew what the right "word" was, life lay open before him, and the paradise of Art was about to unclose its gates.

Her lids fall, and the long lashes lie strongly relieved on her colorless cheeks. "I won't go there to-night, dear. So let your heart be at rest." Mary's lids unclose, and two round drops, released from their clasp, glide slowly over her face. "Thank you, father thank you. Mother will be so glad." The eyes closed again; and the father moved uneasily. His heart is touched.

Suddenly the heavy lids unclose, and a pair of tired eyes are raised, with a sad, pathetic look, to the watcher's face. "Is that you, Edith?" asks the weak voice in low, feeble tones; and the young lady, bending down to press a kiss on the white brow, answers, "Yes, dear; and I am so glad you have enjoyed such a nice long sleep."