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Ah, ha, my little Lothario, I have caught you a bachelor too, with time on his hands, and the right side of seventy as well! The evidence you have given of a close knowledge of the household of our Jean Jacques does not have its basis in hearsay, but in acute personal observation. Tut-tut! Fie-fie! my little gay Clerk of the Court. Fie! Fie!" M. Fille was greatly disconcerted.

I will let the whole village know of your treachery and falsehood!" Mr. Dyceworthy laughed gently. "Dear me, dear me!" he remarked sweetly. "How pretty we look in a passion, to be sure! And we talk of our 'betrothed husband' do we? Tut-tut! Put that dream out of your mind, my dear girl Sir Philip Bruce-Errington will have nothing to do with you after your little escapade of to-night!

"Doctor, come nearer, I want to ask you a question." "Yes?" he said. "What is it, Miss Bubbles?" "I want to ask you," she said dreamily, "why you brought me back? I was beginning to feel so much at home in the grey world. There were such kind people there, waiting to welcome me. Only one friend I felt sad to leave behind " "Tut-tut!" he said, a little startled.

Jenkins rebuked Evan: "Hoity-toity! Not Welsh you are. Old English boy." "Tut-tut, Rachel fach," said Dai. "Right you are, and right and wrong is Evan Roberts. Trust I give and trust I take. I have no guile." "How answer you to thirty-seven?" asked Evan. "No more we've got, drop dead and blind." He went away and related all to Mary. "Lose the shop you will," Mary warned him.

The original writer conceived a tragedy, anticipating the grandeur of the Oedipus at Colonos, or Lear and here eight supplementary verses have anti-climaxed this masterpiece to the level of a boys' novel. "Also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before," &c., &c. Tut-tut! Job's human nature had sustained a laceration that nothing but death could heal.

Oke! if you win, it'll do me no good. She" meaning his wife "has gone to a land where I'll never be able to crow over her." "Your Worship makes sure, I see, that we women are going to be beat?" put in Sal. "Tut-tut!" says the Mayor. "They've booked Seth Ede for stroke." And with that he goes very red in the gills and turns to Landlord Oke. "But perhaps I oughtn't to have mentioned that?" says he.

Oh, I shun speaking much: you object to it and I dislike it: but I must endeavour to explain to you that I am unworthy of the position you think a proud one." "Tut-tut; we are all unworthy, cross our arms, bow our heads; and accept the honours. Are you playing humble handmaid? What an old organ-tune that is! Well? Give me reasons." "I do not wish to marry." "He's the great match of the county!"

But he felt that here was something too deep for tears. "Does Randy know?" "Yes. I told him. We have always talked about things " "I see," he sat staring into the fire, "and of course it is Randy that you ought to marry " "I don't want to marry anyone. I shall never marry " "Tut-tut, my dear." He laid his hand over hers.

But not a fraction of a minute have we to bestow on any other person than ourselves; and the PRUT-PRUT TUT-TUT of the guard's discordant note summons us to the coach, the weaker party having gone without their dinner, and the able-bodied and active threatened with indigestion, from having swallowed victuals like a Lei'stershire clown bolting bacon.

"Don't you suppose I recognized it?" "Tut-tut, my boy Jack! You have never actually heard the lady's voice!" And as this was true I had nothing further to offer; but he brightened up, adding: "We shall now go to the stomach of the bomb, if only to enjoy ourselves." "You've a curious idea of fun," I grunted. "Just go easy," Tommy said. "She may be ticklish."