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"I am hungry, but it's for folks, not cookies. And why do you make cake for Christmas now when it's forever and ever before it will come?" "'Tain't so much for Christmas. Marsden folks don't set no great store by any other holiday than Thanksgivin'. Another why is that fruit-cake ain't fit to put in a body's mouth afore it's six seven months old at the least.

"If it comes a good fall of snow before Thanksgivin', won't you come round and give us a sleigh-ride, Mr. Barker?" asked 'Manda Grier. They all laughed at her audacity, and Lemuel said, Yes, he would; and she said, "We'll give you a piece of real Willoughby Centre Mince-pie, if you will." They all laughed again. "'Manda Grier!" said Statira, in protest.

But I don't cal'late Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Armstrong, I mean would want to leave Charlie to home alone on Thanksgivin' Day. If she took Babbie, you know, there wouldn't be anybody left to keep him company." Miss Hunniwell twirled the fox tail in an opposite direction. "Oh, of course," she said, with elaborate carelessness, "we should invite Mrs. Armstrong's brother if we invited her.

What is there I wadna dee to clear him that is, to ken him innocent o' ony wrang til her! I wad dee wi thanksgivin!" "Weel, I kenna that we're jist called upon sae far as that!" said Marion. "A lass is aye able to tak care o' hersel!" "I wud! I wud! God hae mercy upo' the twa o' them!" In the afternoon James was a good deal better. When his father went in to see him, his first words were

Popham!" said Mrs. Carey, her eyes twinkling as she looked at the laughing children. "It was kind of you to spend so much time in our behalf." "Well, I says to myself there's nothin' too good for 'em, an' when it comes Thanksgivin' I'll give 'em one thing more to be thankful for!" "Quit talkin', Pop, will yer?" whispered Digby, nudging his father.

Say Thanksgivin' mornin'? Or even the day after?" "No." "But why not? What's the matter with you all of a sudden? Come here! let me look at you." He took the young man by the arm and led him, almost by main strength, close to the lighted window of the station. It was late, and the afternoon was gloomy. Here, by the lamplight streaming through the window, he could see his face more clearly.

A year slipped by, and we hadn't done a thing, didn't even raise enough potatoes to last us through Thanksgivin', and if we hadn't sold the hay standing and the apple crop on the trees I don't know how we'd got through the winter. "Along about the middle of March I got my eyes wide open. I saw that if anything was done to keep us out of the poorhouse I'd got to do it. Old Mr.

But then it rained, an' rainy sticks won't burn I guess we found that out last Thanksgivin' Day. So we thought we'd make one in the cellar, 'cause the top is all tin, an' the bottom's all dirt, an' it can't rain in there at all.

'I won't undertake to foller right along in your track I hain't got the req'sit speed, I says, 'but f'm now on I'll go to church reg'lar on Thanksgivin'. It was putty near Thanksgivin' time," he remarked, "an' I dunno but she thought if she c'd git me started I'd finish the heat, an' so we fixed it at that." "Of course," said John with a laugh, "you kept your promise?"

We're four to your one, and you don't suppose that we are going to stand still and be shot down, like turkeys on Thanksgivin' morning, do you? No, sir, that would be like the handle of a jug, all on one side. Shootin' is a game two can play at, you know. Come, put that we'pon down;" and Simpson held his musket in the hollow of his arm, and handled the lock in a very significant manner.