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I wanted to invite all the brethern and sistern in the meetin'-house, but Philury thought she couldn't wait on 'em all, and we compromised on the plan of havin' 'em all here to a evenin' social the week after, when we'd pass round things and not have so many dishes to wash. I laid out to be dretful thankful Thanksgivin' day.

We walk up the aisle slow, and Mother goes in first; then comes Mary, then me, then Helen, then Amos, and then Father. Father thinks it is jest as well to have one o' the girls set in between me an' Amos. The meetin'-house is full, for everybody goes to meetin' Thanksgivin' Day.

"Oh, I jest clipped it over," returned Lucy Ann carelessly. "I'm goin' to git a ride home. I see Marden's Wagon when I come by the post-office." "Well, I hadn't any expectation o' your bein' here," said Ezra. "I meant to ride round tomorrer. We want you to spend Thanksgivin' Day with us. I'll come over arter you."

I'm terrible sorry, Lucy. The children won't think it's any kind of a Thanksgivin' without you. Somehow they've got it into their heads it's grandma comin'. They can't seem to understand the difference." "Well, you tell 'em I guess grandma's kind o' pleased for me to plan it as I have," said Lucy Ann, almost gayly. Her face wore a strange, excited look. She breathed a little faster.

After dinner was over and such a grand dinner it was Grandpa Davis voiced the sentiment of the rest of the happy family party when he announced, quite without warning: "Well, this here has ben the thankfulles' Thanksgivin' I ever seen, and I hope the good Lord will spar' us all for yet a few more."

The talk gets general, an' the lies them people evolves an' saws off on each other would stampede stock. "Any day but Thanksgivin' sech tales would shore lead to reecriminations an' blood; but as it is, every gent seems relaxed an' onbuckled that a-way in honor of the hour, an' it looks like lyin' is expected. "How mendacious be them people?

When Thanksgivin' hove in sight the ol' man dug up a bottle o' whiskey, an' put on a few ruffles to sort o' stiffen up his back; an' one day after dinner he sez to Barbie, "Now you just stay settin'." She was in the habit of estimatin' just how little nurishment it would take to run her to the next feed, gettin' it into her in the shortest possible time, an' then makin' a streak for it.

"No-o, to be honest, I didn't. He was so very anxious to find out, that well, I dodged. I think he believed I was going to visit Captain Daniels." "Good enough! If I was governor of this state I wouldn't send any Thanksgivin' proclamations down this way. I'd just write Em Peters and Didama Rogers and a couple more like them and save myself the trouble.

Billy tossed the coin into the air: it struck a twig and hid itself among the fallen leaves, where they sought it in vain. "'Tain't settled yet," announced Dick; "but lemme tell you what let's do. S'posin' we all go over to-morrow it'll be Thanksgivin', you know and eat him at John's house." "Good!" cried Billy, with beaming face.

It is the Yankee Thanksgivin' breakfast, sausages an' fried potatoes, an' buckwheat cakes an' syrup, maple syrup, mind ye, for Father has his own sugar-bush, and there was a big run o' sap last season.