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I'd ha' liked to ha' said a word to her. I'd ha' liked to ha' said one word; Jem Coulter" raising his voice "canst tha say it fur me?" "Aye," cried the man, choking as he spoke, "surely, surely." And he knelt down. "Tell her 'at if it wur bad enow this here it wur not so bad as it mought ha' been fur me. I mought ha' fun it worser. Tell her I'd like to ha' said a word if I could but I couldna.

"There's nothing much commoner, is there? There's millions of 'em everywhere billions of 'em. None of us need put on airs." "Tha'rt as common as me," said Tummas, reflectively. "An' yet tha owns Temple Barholm an' aw that brass. I conna mak' out how th' loike happens." "Neither can I; but it does all samee." "It does na happen i' 'Meriker," exulted Tummas. "Everybody's equal theer."

Four men there were who tried to conceal their disgust while the others roared out tha applause of degenerates. "I am not a saint, but this is more than I can stand. It is sickening," said Quentin. "And these miserable specimens of European manhood delight in it," said Savage, his face aflame with shame and disgust.

"Well, if tha' doesn't go out tha'lt have to stay in, an' what has tha' got to do?" Mary glanced about her. There was nothing to do. When Mrs. Medlock had prepared the nursery she had not thought of amusement. Perhaps it would be better to go and see what the gardens were like. "Who will go with me?" she inquired. Martha stared. "You'll go by yourself," she answered.

Whomsoever cud I mean but th’ Wild Hunter, and wha’s tha’ been any bullets lately but in th’ b’ar?” queried my companion. “Yes, of course,” I admitted, “but why do you suppose he cut out the bullets?” “Wal, I reckon tha’ might be right scarce and he haster be kinder sparing with them.

The danger was too real to give Pete the nightmare; there was nothing spooky to him in the glittering knife blade, and only ghosts and the supernatural could give Big Pete the nightmare. Calmly he looked at the hand grasping the power of death with its strong tapering fingers. Suddenly and in a firm, commanding voice he gave the order, “Drap tha’ knife!”

"I dare say," Captain Palliser admitted indifferently, and made no further inquiry or remark. He sauntered into the Hibblethwaite cottage, however, late the next afternoon. Tummas was in a bad temper, for reasons quite sufficient for himself, and he regarded him sourly. "What has tha coom for?" he demanded. "I did na ask thee." "Don't be cheeky!" said Captain Palliser.

Tha's skipped red into thy cheeks as sure as my name's Ben Weatherstaff. I wouldn't have believed tha' could do it." "I never skipped before," Mary said. "I'm just beginning. I can only go up to twenty." "Tha' keep on," said Ben. "Tha' shapes well enough at it for a young 'un that's lived with heathen. Just see how he's watchin' thee," jerking his head toward the robin.

I call it a bi . . . it is, in short, a gem. But I shall have to go. Young Rolles offered to expostulate with his aunt Angela. The General said, 'Tha . . . I thank you very much. I would not have her ladyship suppose I am so susceptible. I hardly know, he confessed pitiably, 'what it is right to say, and what not what not. I-I-I never know when I am not looking a fool.

It was so easy to picture the exact likes of her, not more than a generation or two ago, squatting under a palm tree with a necklace of teeth, a ring through her nose, tropic breezes playing on that velvet skin. Once she told me she had lost fifteen pounds in this country. “How?” “Ah, child,” she said, “it's tha mother sickness. Don't you ever know it?