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'Tis this, which HORACE has judiciously observed "Creditur ex medio quia res arcessit habere Sudoris minimum, sed habet Comedia tanto Plus oneris, quanto venice minus. This day was that designed by DAUPHINE, for the settling of his uncle's estate upon him: which to compass, he contrives to marry him.

The president, on learning that Fred had put in four years in Cahoga County Section No. 3 School, and had been head of his class in ciphering, nodded his head gravely and said it would simply be a matter of a pro tanto; that, in fact, he felt sure that Fred might be admitted ad eundem. But the real condition on which they meant to admit him was, of course, not mentioned.

BRUNO. Yo diré a usted, las nuestras pasaban sus días y sus noches haciendo calceta ... lo que no pide atención ... y podían pensar entre tanto en el novio y en la casa ... y ... pero las de ahora, como todas leen la Gaceta y saben donde está Pekín, ¿qué sucede? que se les va el tiempo en averiguar lo que no les importa ... y ni cuidan de casarse, ni saben cómo se espuma el puchero.

However, next minute he was forced to admit the fact, for there fell on his ear the sublime strains of Mozart's "Il mio tesoro tanto" from Don Juan. "Well, now," said the geographer to himself, "let the Australian birds be as queer as they may, and even granting the paroquets are the most musical in the world, they can't sing Mozart!"

"Io sto qua in grande afanno, e con grandissima fatica di corpo, e non ò amici di nessuna sorte, e none voglio: e non ò tanto tempo che io possa mangiare el bisognio mio." Letter to Gismondo, published by Grimm. See, too, Sebastian del Piombo's letter to him of November 9, 1520: "Ma fate paura a ognuno, insino a' papi."

Granting for argument's sake that Mind is the only reality, then the test of reality must be this that something exists in or for a mind; in so far, then, as evil, pain, and so forth exist, as Christian Science tells us, "only" in some mind in so far as "disease is a thing of thought" evil, pain, disease, etc., must pro tanto be real, nay, the most real of realities, for where except in mind could they exist?

"Its very thought is almost death to me; Yet, having found some good there, I will tell Of other things which there I chanced to see." "Tanto e amara, che poco e piu morte: Ma per trattar del teen ch' i' vi trovai, Diro dell' altre Bose, ch' io v' ho scorte." Inferno, I. 7-10. Again in Canto X. we find:

"Guardando nel suo figlio con l' amore Che l' uno e l' altro eternalmente spire, Lo primo ed ineffabile Valore, Quanto per mente o per loco si gira Con tanto ordine fe', ch' esser non puote Senza gustar di lui ehi cio rimira "

And, on this principle, when the ancient style and title of the kingdom fell under revision, if as I do not deny it was advisable to retrench all obsolete pretensions as so many memorials of a greatness that in that particular manifestation was now extinct, and therefore, pro tanto, rather presumtions of weakness than of strength as being mementoes of our losses, yet, on the other hand, all countervailing claims which had since arisen, and had far more than equiponderated the declension in that one direction, should have been then adopted into the titular heraldry of the nation.

Por tanto, en las sociedades donde se admite a la mujer a todas las carreras y profesiones de la vida, donde no se escatima a la mujer ninguna fuente de conocimiento debe admitirse necesaria y lógicamente la intervención de la mujer en la vida pública.