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Rhodes's embarrassment in unconcealed delight. "Let Essie bring you another cup," suggested Mr. Symes. "Oh, no! not at all; I take sweetenin' in everything," declared Mr. Rhodes. There was a distinct relaxation of tension all around when Andy P. Symes took the initiative in the matter of spoons. "This here soup makes me think of the time I had mountain fever and et it stiddy for three weeks."

Plainly he considered her the guest; he took her cup and poured the coffee himself. "It is a beautiful evening, is n't it," remarked Janet. "I was just going to say it was a nice night. Quite a flock of stars out." "A flock, did you say?" "Well, sort of. I don't usually speak of them that way. Only on special occasions. Hasn't Steve got any sweetenin'?"

Somebody had told the boys that the juice of watermelons boiled to a thick syrup was a very good substitute for molasses. Younkins told them that, back in old Missouri, "many families never had any other kind of sweetenin' in the house than watermelon molasses." So Charlie made an experiment with the juice boiled until it was pretty thick.

So as each infant, at sorghum time, has a circle of green-brown stickiness about his chubby lips, and as the Hon. Sam was averse to "long sweetenin'" even in his coffee, this particular political device just now was no small trial to the Hon. Samuel Budd. But in the language of one of his firmest supporters Uncle Tommie Hendricks: "The Hon. Sam done his duty, and he done it damn well."

The other night they took out a feller over on Caney Fork, feller that had dropped into the habit of whippin' his wife and they hit him about forty-five, with a promise of more; and they say now that he's as sweet to his home folks as a June apple-pie. Oh, it do have a powerful sweetenin' effect on a sour citizen. Any sour citizens up your way?" "One," Sawyer answered.

"What'll you have, amigos pickles, pears, Yankee crackers, long sweetenin' " He spread out a variety of such stores as they had almost forgotten existed. "You know, seein' some of the prices on this heah sutlers' stuff, I'm thinkin' somebody's sure gittin' rich on this war. It ain't nobody I know, though."

"Life ain't no punkins without whiskey an' sweetenin'," was Shorty's greeting, as he pulled lumps of ice from his thawing moustache and flung them rattling on the floor. "An' I sure just got eighteen pounds of that same sweetenin'. The geezer only charged three dollars a pound for it. What luck did you have?" "I, too, have not been idle," Smoke answered with pride. "I bought fifty pounds of flour.

He had just rattled the spoon in the sugar bowl and found it empty. Janet was sorry to say that she had poured out the last grain of it that very evening. She explained to him how the lamb had stepped into a bowlful and thus contributed to the present shortage. "Ain't Steve got a jug of molasses? He ought to have some sweetenin' somewheres." "Why, I did see a jug of something under the bed.

"That's honest sweetenin'," remarked the Trapper with decided emphasis; "and that is more'n ye can say of the sugar of the settlements, leastwise ef a man can jedge by the stuff they peddle at the clearin'. The bees be no cheats; and a man who taps his own trees, and biles the runnin' into sugar under his own eye, knows what kind of sweetenin' he's gittin'. The woman won't find any sand in her teeth when she takes a bite from that loaf, or stirs a leetle of the honey in the cup she's steepin'."

They've had no chance." "The engines are working beautifully. I can hear them." "Yes, indeed. But there's more than engines to a ship. Every inch of her, ye'll understand, has to be livened up and made to work wi' its neighbour sweetenin' her, we call it, technically." "And how will you do it?" the girl asked.