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The blade descended, and it was only by a display of surprising agility that the large man escaped, with only a bruised shoulder, the glancing weapon. He was drawing his pistol as he sprang, and the next instant he shot the admiral down. Don Sabas stooped over him, and rose again. "In the heart," he said briefly. "Senores, the navy is abolished."

"Will you tell me, senores, what strange animal you have captured?" he asked. "A fox," shouted Mr. Bingley, triumphantly waving the brush, which he had just cut off, over his head. "In our country in England we hunt the fox with dogs, and we have been hunting after the manner of our country."

"Pasan adentro, Senores," said Don Cosme, drawing aside the curtain of the rancho, and beckoning us to enter. "Ha!" exclaimed the major, struck with the coup-d'oeil of the interior. "Be seated, gentlemen. Ya vuelvo." So saying, Don Cosme disappeared into a little porch in the back, partially screened from observation by a close network of woven cane.

Y porque por estar preso en cárceles secretas no puedo por ni por otro informarme... pido y suplico á Vs. Mds., é si necesario es, con debido acatamiento y reverencia requiero, no se envíe cosa alguna de lo tocante á este mi proceso á los dichos Señores del Consejo, y protesto la nulidad de lo que en contrario se hiciere.

The General's voice rose, but his big hand stroked his white beard twice with an effect of venerable calmness. "Si, Senores! Women are ready to rise to the heights of devotion unattainable by us men, or to sink into the depths of abasement which amazes our masculine prejudices. I am speaking now of exceptional women, you understand. . . ."

"The Señores know one another?" interrupted Chiquita, also ascending the veranda. "Know one another? Señorita, we are brothers," said Dick. "Brothers?" she echoed, surprised and perplexed. "Yes, Señorita, all but in name," interposed the Captain. "Ah! I see. Brothers in fortune!" "Exactly," replied Dick. "But what is all this I hear concerning your doings, Señorita?

Others became fascinated by the prospect of immediate personal safety for their women and children. The majority caught at it as a drowning man catches at a straw. Father Corbelan was unexpectedly offering them a refuge from Pedrito Montero with his llaneros allied to Senores Fuentes and Gamacho with their armed rabble.

En la villa de Valladolid á veinte é ocho dias del mes de setiembre de mill y quinientos y setenta y seis años, habiendo visto los Señores licenciado D. Francisco de Menchaca del Consejo de S.M., é dotor Guijano de Mercado, é licenciado Andrés de Álava Inquisidores, juntamente con los Señores licenciado Luis Tello Maldonado, D. Pedro de Castro, Francisco de Albornoz, oidores desta Real audiencia é chancillería, asistiendo á ello por ordinario del obispado de Salamanca el Señor doctor Frechilla catredático en esta universidad, por virtud del poder que para ello tiene del Señor obispo de Salamanca, que está en el secreto deste Sancto Oficio, el proceso criminal de fray Luis de Leon, de la órden de Sancto Agustin; los dichos Señores le votaron en la forma siguiente.

I protest to you, senores, that I was moved almost to pity by the sight of this powerless strong man sitting on the ridge, indifferent to sun, to rain, to cold, to wind; with his hands clasped round his legs and his chin resting on his knees, gazing gazing gazing. "And the fort he kept his eyes fastened on was as still and silent as himself. The garrison gave no sign of life.

'You are a servant, I believe, employed by the president to copy letters and answer raps at the door. I am governor here. Senores, I call upon you in the name of the cause to seize this man. "That brindled gang of conspirators shoved back their chairs and advanced in force. I could see where Mellinger had made a mistake in massing his enemy so as to make a grand-stand play.