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Even as it was he blinked his eyes at Hamilton in a way that, if the others were observing him just then, must have made it apparent that he was in possession of some portentous communication which could be divulged to Hamilton alone. Sir Rupert, however, was not thinking much of Sarrasin.

Sarrasin's large fair face flushed pink with pleasure. 'You are too good, Mr. Ericson, too good. But I feel that I must do something for our distinguished friend, especially as he has done me the honour to single me out for so gratifying a mark of his approval. I think that I shall ask him to dinner. And Mr. Sarrasin looked thoughtfully at his audience to solicit their opinion.

The Dictator began to be impressed, for the first time, by a recognition of the fact that an absence of the sacred gift of humour is often a great advantage to mortal happiness, and even to mortal success. There was clearly and obviously a droll and humorous side to the career and the companionship of Captain Sarrasin and his wife.

'Well, you see, I have ascertained that this Captain Sarrasin is a married man, and that he has a house where he and his wife live down Clapham way, and Paulo made a jerk with his hand as if to designate to his daughter the precise geographical situation of Captain Sarrasin's abode.

So was Miss Paulo, on whose coming Helena had insisted with friendly pressure. Later on were to come Professor Flick, and his friend Mr. Andrew J. Copping of Omaha, in whom Helena, at Ericson's suggestion, had been pleased to take some interest. So were Captain Sarrasin and his wife. Mr.

Brieuc, good men and good wives, who never harmed man or beast were knifed as they lay, the young maids led captive, and the babes flung like useless baggage through windows into the gutter, and that is the last I have heard of Le Grand Sarrasin!" said Brother Hugo, sadly enough.

Nobody really thinks like that, but if everybody else did, my brother Oisin Stewart Sarrasin certainly does not think like that, and his opinion is better worth having than that of most other men. You have no warmer admirer in the world than my brother, Mr. Ericson. The Dictator expressed much satisfaction at having earned the good opinion of Mr. Sarrasin's brother.

'Who are killed? the Dictator asked anxiously but withal composedly. He had seen men killed before. 'Poor Soame Rivers is killed, Sir Rupert said sadly. 'The man who broke into Sarrasin's room your room, Ericson he is killed. 'And Sarrasin himself? Ericson asked, glancing away from Mrs. Sarrasin. 'Sarrasin is cut about on the shoulder and of course he was stunned and deafened.

Well, well, I am wandering off into matters which you young women can't be expected to understand, or to care anything about. 'But I do understand them and I do care a great deal about them, Dolores said indignantly. 'My father understands all about Gloria and he has told me. 'I am glad to hear it, Sarrasin said gravely. 'Well, now, to come back and he paused.

Sarrasin again told himself that at no appeal less strong than that of a personal and imploring request from her gracious Majesty herself would he ever consent to become a Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Sir Rupert had come to have a very strong feeling of friendship and even of affection for the Dictator.