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"I'll come down right away." "Oh, what is it?" anxiously asked his wife as he hurried to his room to change from his bath robe into outdoor clothes. "Has anything happened?" "I'm afraid there has," answered Daddy Blake. "Is anyone ill that Mr. Porter wants you to come out in such a hurry. Is little Sammie hurt in our garden?" "No, but it's something in our garden," replied her husband. "What?

The very next day something happened to Sammie, only it wasn't very nice. He was out walking in a field, when he met a big cat. "Where do you live?" asked the cat, in quite a friendly voice. "Over there," said Sammie, pointing toward the burrow. "Can you take me there?" asked the cat, and she wiggled her whiskers and licked her nose with her tongue, for she was hungry.

She took no notice of the crestfallen Sammie, who trudged along behind wondering what had come over the young woman that she should act in such a strange manner. Jasper could not fully understand the strange feeling that had come over him at Sammie's unjust insinuation. His first lightning thought was to knock the fellow down. Then he wanted to explain, to say that he had not been spying.

Bang!" went another toy balloon, bursting and shriveling all up. Uncle Wiggily looked in the front window of the store and saw some blown-up balloons that had not burst. "I'll take two of those," he said to the monkey-doodle gentleman. "Sammie and Susie Littletail will like to play with them." "Better take two or three," said the monkey-doodle gentleman.

At first he thought it was the bad fox after him again, but in a moment he saw a little black ball of fur rolling along, and then he saw a little white spot, and he thought that might be Sammie Littletail, only he knew the rabbit boy never growled. Then, all at once, if that ball of fur didn't unroll, and there stood a puppy dog! "Hello!" called Jimmie Wibblewobble, real friendly-like.

"Once I wanted to go out and play, and I couldn't, because Nurse Fuzzy-Wuzzy was away and mamma had a headache. So I stayed home and made mamma some cabbage-leaf tea, and she felt better, and I was happy then, just as we are now." "Well, maybe that's it," admitted Sammie Littletail. "I am glad Mrs. Wren has a nice home, anyhow. But I wouldn't like to live away up in a tree, would you?"

What are you trying to do?" "Make a 'mato garden," was Sammie's answer as his father picked him up. "I put seeds in ground and make more 'matoes grow." "But you musn't do it out here," said Mr. Porter, trying not to laugh, though Sammie was a queer sight. "Besides, I told you not to pick my tomatoes. You have wasted nearly a quart. Now come in and your mother will wash you."

Then he pinkled his twink nose Ah! you see that's the time I was twisted I mean he twinkled his pink nose, Uncle Wiggily did, and out he went to watch the animal boys play marbles. Billie, Johnnie and Jimmie, as well as Sammie, wanted the bunny uncle to play also, but he said his rheumatism hurt too much to bend over. So he just watched the marble game, until it was time for the boys to go home.

Then, with his last breath, and giving a spring and a hop that was so big that it took him close to Buddy, Sammie stretched out his paw with the ball in and tried to touch Buddy. But do you s'pose he did? No, sir, he didn't, and Buddy got home safe, and wasn't put out after all.

One day, when Sammie Littletail was on his way home from Dr. Possum's house, where he had gone to get some sweet-flag root, for Uncle Wiggily Longear's rheumatism, something happened to the little boy rabbit. He was coming through a big field, where the grass was quite high, when he heard a little bark.