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I guv him the shtraight about Bobs an' Jimmie, fer they wuz beyant his troublin' but he'll niver foind Sammie from the directin' I sayed." Michael, sorrowing, horror-filled, conscience-stricken, took his way to a restaurant and ate his dinner, thinking meanwhile what he could do for the boys. Could he perhaps visit Jimmie in prison and make his life more comfortable in little ways?

So they walked along, and pretty soon they met Sammie Littletail, and then a little while after that they met the two Bow Wows, and then who should come hopping along, but Bully and Bawly, the two frogs, and, if you'll believe me, a moment after that, along came Jimmie Wibblewobble. Then they had enough for a fine baseball game, and they went to a nice, green meadow where they could play.

Well, Johnnie Bushytail was the pitcher, and he threw in such fine curves, and so many of them, that it was hard for Buddy and his friends to strike the ball. They did manage to hit it a little, and got three runs. Then it came the turn of Sammie Littletail's team again, and they got four runs, and so it went along until at the close of the game Sammie's team was eight runs and Buddy's only seven.

Then they all hurried home to the burrow, and if there is nothing to prevent it, to-morrow night's story will be about Sammie turning sky-blue-pink. Susie Littletail was out on a nice, grassy place in front of the underground house, jumping her grapevine rope, and having a very good time, indeed. She had gotten all over the fright caused by the bad hawk trying to grab her, and felt quite happy.

Then the two boy animals went on through the woods, and pretty soon they came to a place where there was a pond of water. “Excuse me for a minute,” said Bawly. “I think I’ll have a little swim. Will you join me, Sammie?” he asked, politely. “No,” answered the rabbit, “I’m not a good swimmer, but I’ll wait here on the bank for you.”

Well, all the Easter eggs were ready, and Sammie and Susie, their papa and mamma, Uncle Wiggily Longears and Nurse Jane-Fuzzy-Wuzzy, set out to hide them. There were many colors. I think I have told you about them, but I'll just mention a few again.

They did not see Sammie's mother, but his father was down in the back end of his lot, weeding an onion bed. "Hello, children!" called Mr. Porter. "Did you come over to see how my garden is growing?" "We came to tell you about Sammie," said Mab. "He's out " "Hello! Where IS that little tyke?" cried Mr. Porter suddenly.

Then he took some wet moss and wrapped it around the hot can, so it wouldn’t burn his paws, and he tossed everythinghot water, hot stones, hot can and allover into the pond, close to where the alligator was. Then Sammie blew on the whistles some more. “Toot! Toot! Toot! Toot!” “Splash!” Into the water went the hot stones, hissing like snakes. “Buzz! Bubble!

Then they played other games, and became very good friends. The frog pond was very near the new burrow where Sammie lived, and the two used to meet quite often. One day the frog said: "I think it would be very nice if you would dig a way from your burrow to my pond. Then, when it rained, I could come to see you without getting wet, and you could come to see me."

That is, I think it is, but, if you like, you may turn over the page to make sure. But you are only allowed just one peep, only one, mind you. Sammie and Susie Littletail were playing out in front of their burrow.