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Those godlike men, to wanting virtue kind, Bounty well plac'd, preferr'd, and well design'd, To all their titles, all that height of pow'r, Which turns the brains of fools, and fools alone adore. When your poor client is condemn'd t' attend, 'Tis all we ask, to receive him as a friend: Descend to this, and then we ask no more; Rich to yourself, to all beside be poor.

Here, then, art thou, with thy sanctified lore, in the leaguer proclaiming All the afflictions we bear from the anger of Archer Apollo Only from this to have sprung, that I gave not the damsel Chrysëis Back for the gifts that were brought: for I valued her more than the ransom, Will'd her to stay in my home, and preferr'd her before Clytemnestra, Her that I wedded a maid nor in aught would comparison harm her, Neither for form nor for face, nor for mind nor the skill of her fingers.

What anguish will torture your heart, The saints all enthron'd by his side, And you be compelled to depart. Too often, dear Saviour, have I Preferr'd some poor trifle to thee; How is it thou dost not deny The blessing and birth-right to me? No better than Esau I am, Though pardon and heaven be mine To me belongs nothing but shame, The praise and the glory be thine." The Little Pavior.

The first ceremonies being pass'd, as Madam, the Duchess, uses not much, she fell to commend my lady's dressing-plate, and taking up the box, and opening it, found the letter, and laughing, cried, 'Oh, have I found you making love; at which my lady, with an infinite confusion, would have retrieved it, but the Duchess not quitting her hold, cried 'Nay, I am resolved to see in what manner you write to a lover, and whether you have a heart tender or cruel? At which she began to read aloud, my lady to blush and change colour a hundred times in a minute: I ready to die with fear; Madam the Countess, in infinite amazement, my lady interrupting every word the Duchess read, by prayers and entreaties, which heightened her curiosity, and being young and airy, regarded not the indecency to which she preferr'd her curiosity, who still laughing, cried she was resolv'd to read it out, and know the constitution of her heart; when my lady, whose wit never fail'd her, cried, 'I beseech you, madam, let us have so much complaisance for Melinda as to ask her consent in this affair, and then I am pleas'd you should see what love I can make upon occasion: I took the hint, and with a real confusion, cried 'I implore you, madam, not to discover my weakness to Madam, the Duchess; I would not for the world be thought to love so passionately, as your ladyship, in favour of Alexis, has made me profess, under the name of Sylvia to Philander'. This encouraged my lady, who began to say a thousand pleasant things of Alexis, Dorillus his son, and my lover, as your lordship knows, and who is no inconsiderable fortune for a maid, enrich'd only by your lordship's bounty.

This had all its Effect; they had never met with a Person so fit for their Purpose, and by these Arguments they began to be convinc'd, that if another should be preferr'd to my Place, they would be no Gainers by the Change.

Franklin had already been urging this policy by writings in the "Gazette," and now, when the ideas of the different commissioners were brought into comparison, his were deemed the best. His outline of a scheme, he says, "happen'd to be preferr'd," and, with a few amendments, was accordingly reported.

Who that had engaged to believe the Christian Faith, cou'd be content to see it exposed in every branch? To have their Lord and Master affronted for pretending to Save, and his Ministers scorn'd for the work he gave them to do! to hear a Moment preferr'd to the hopes of Eternity, and the Judgment to come thrown off with a Jest!

And thou, Napoleon, if thy mighty sword Shall for thy people conquer new renown; Go Europe shall attest, thy heart preferr'd The modest olive to the laurel crown. But thee, lov'd chief, to new achievements bold The aroused spirit of the soldier calls; Speak! and Vienna cowering shall behold Our banners waving o'er her prostrate walls.

The one to whom he spoke came forward. He was a slight, fair-looking boy of about thirteen; and his face had a laughing, good-humor'd expression, which even the charge now preferr'd against him, and the stern tone and threatening look of the teacher, had not entirely dissipated.

So that it's much more Custome and Example which perswades us, then any assured knowledg; and notwithstanding that plurality of voices is a proof of no validity, in those truths which are hard to be discovered; for that it's much more likely for one man alone to have met with them, then a whole Nation; I could choose no Man whose opinion was to be preferr'd before anothers: And I found my self even constrain'd to undertake the conduct of my self.