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Seems like they're the best friend I've got on earth." "I know what you mean," said the girl, brokenly. "I know all about it." "And you don't think I'm just notional," she asked wistfully, "in pinin' to get back while whilst I can look at them?" The girl held the old hand tightly in hers with a clasp more responsive than words. "It ain't but I'd know they was there.

"If I kept him here and he died, like that just pinin' away for other little kids I couldn't look fortune in the face," answered Jim, to which, in a moment, he added, slowly, "Boys, he's more to me than all the claims in Nevada." "But you'll bring him back in the spring, of course?" said the blacksmith, with a worried look about his eyes. "We'd miss him, Jim, almost as much as you."

That never a genuinely happy Christmas had brightened his little, mysterious life, Miss Dennihan knew by a swift, keen process of womanly intuition. "I wisht he wasn't so sad," she said, from time to time. "I expect he's maybe pinin'." On the following day there came a change. The little fellow tossed in his bed with a fever that rose with every hour.

I got word from him the other day that he wanted to see me mighty particular, and I'm wonderin' what's in the wind. Maybe you heard him say." "No," said Roldan; but he guessed. "Now," said Hill, "spin your yarn. I'm just pinin' to hear those adventures." Roldan appreciated the sarcasm, but was too secure in the wealth of the past month to resent it.

This was cooked still more over the coals, wrapped about with the greenest leaves that could be got, and then packed in the bundle which Terry Clark strapped to his back. "There's enough of the same," he explained, "to presarve us from pinin' away with starvation, which reminds me now that I promised ye that I'd show ye the properest way in which to bring down a buffalo."

Nancy's eyes were full of tears, and her sensitive lips quivered. "Oh, I wish I knew what to do!" she cried, clasping her hands together very tightly. "Why, ask 'em ter let ye go," said Sue; "they'd let ye ef they knew yer Uncle Steve wasn't there, an' yer aunt was jest pinin' ter see yer." "I'm 'most sure they would if they knew, but everybody's away. If only Aunt Charlotte or Mrs.

As for little Katty, "she'd never seen anybody doin' anythin' agin the child; it might happen by nature to be one of those little crowls of childer that 'ud always look hungry-like and pinin', the crathurs, if you were able to keep feedin' them wid the best as long as the sun was in the sky."

Henry done good wuk all de summer, but sence de fall set in he 'pears ter be sorter pinin' away. Dey ain' nuffin pertickler de matter wid 'im leastways de doctor say so 'cep'n' a tech er de rheumatiz; but his ha'r is all fell out, en ef he don't pick up his strenk mighty soon, I spec' I'm gwine ter lose 'im."

I used to live in Barbadoes." "Well, I declar! Why, Barbaderz is t' other side of nowhere! Used ter be when I went ter school. Well, well, some folks hez a lion's share uv soarin' an' here I've ben all my life jest a' pinin' my heart out ter git down ter Bosting, an' I ain't never got there! But that's allers the way.

Sometimes its a hankerin' to travel, or be State Senator, or have a whole bunch of bananny's hangin' up in the house to onct. I knowed an old feller that died pinin' for a briled lobster with his last breath. Since I read that piece about sobbin' out my gratitude on Sprudell's broad chest it's woke a new ambition in me.