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She's been engaged this six months to Reuben Potter, and he's goin' off in a slow consumption; he won't never live to marry her, and she knows it." "And she come away to see me, mother?" "Yes, she did. I can't say I thought she need to, but Russell wrote you was pinin' for both of us, and I didn't think you could get along without me, but I told her to stay with Reuben, and I'd come on alone.

"Yes, but the last month you've had too many; and there must be some reason for it. There's nothin' so refreshin' as gettin' away from your best friends, once in a while. I guess you need a change pinin' for the city, maybe. Sakes alive! I can't see how folks can live that way all crowded up together, like a lot of prisons." "You don't care to visit in the city, then?" "Not on your life!"

"Well, yes," replied Hackett. "A marriage ceremony conducted by me would be legal." "A wrong air to be righted in this here camp," said Phonography, virtuously. "A a-ristocrat have slighted a 'umble but beautchoos female wat's pinin' for his affections.

W'en she did, she crep' up ter de house des ez pale ez a ghos'. En fer a mont' er so she crawled roun' de house, en 'peared ter be so po'ly dat Mars' Dugal' sont fer a doctor; en de doctor kep' on axin' her questions 'tel he foun' she wuz des pinin' erway fer Jeff. "Wen he tol' Mars' Dugal', Mars' Dugal' lafft, en said he 'd fix dat.

Nola's arms clung to her neck a little, holding her while she whispered in her ear. "For I'm going to be different, I'm going to be good abso-lutely good!" "You don't tell me? So the old colonel's got what his heart's been pinin' for many a year. Well, well!" Mrs.

An I had to tar myself away from the clingin gerasp of my weepin infant, the tender bud an bulossum of an old man's life tar myself away, an feel myself a outcast. Over me hovered contennooly the image of the pinin infant, an my heart quivered with responsive sympathy. An I yearned an I pined an I groaned an I felt that life would be intoll'ble till I got back to the babby.

Your Gee-Whiz man can maybe take to cow punchin' and prosper, but not Willie. His long suit is imaginin' things, from now on. "Now, that feller is naturally pinin' to write this here particular letter we've got on our minds. You watch Willie compose." "Here you, Willie, come over here!" Curly called out. The herder started in fright.

Couldn't you do without Keziah, and that would square expenses?" "I'll see how the child turns out in a week or so. She's a pinin' thing doesn't eat enough to keep a mouse alive." "It's a thankless thing, any way ye like to take it, Hepsy, hevin' other folks' youngsters round. I don't see why we should be bothered with 'em;" with which remark Josh went to bed.

"Ask huh ag'in," she said, "it were my fault she tol' you no. I 'minded huh o' huh fambly pride an' tol' huh to hol' you off less'n you'd t'ink she wan'ed to jump at you." Bartley was on his feet in a minute. "What does this mean," he cried. "Is it true, didn't I offend her?" "No, you didn' 'fend huh. She's been pinin' fu' you, 'twell she's growed right peekid."

Mildred didn't seem to be pinin' for any such honors, and after they got well acquainted with the fact that she wouldn't stand for lunch invites, or bids to the theater, and didn't want to be walked home with by a perfect gent, they let up on that foolishness. It leaves 'em dizzy, though.