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"The loss of her pa bore down on her terrible; she's pinin' and grievin' too hard for a body so young. I hear her cryin' and moanin' in the night sometimes, and I know it ain't no use goin' to her, for I've tried. She seems to need something more than an old woman like me can give, but I don't know what it is."

Some hilarity was occasioned by the mischievous Miss "Georgy" Piper declaring, when it came to her turn, that she was "pinin'" for a look at the face of Tom Sparrell just now! In this local trifling two hours passed, until the party sat down to the long-looked for repast. It was here that the health of Judge Piper was neatly proposed by the editor of the "Argus."

But dear little Tommy wuz pinin' away; he must go, and to nobody but his devoted grandma would they trust him, and I knew that Philury and Ury could move right in and take care of everything, and at last I sez: "I will try to go, Thomas J., I will try to go 'way off alone with Tommy and leave your pa ." But here my voice choked up and I hurried out to give vent to some tears and groans that I wouldn't harrow Thomas J. with.

'Well, I want to take some apple custard to that poor Dan who fell from the haymow, and I must go and see how Susan's children are getting through the measles. Then old Mrs Croaker wants to be sung to, and the widow Larkin wants to be read to, and Matilda Jones is "jest pinin' fer a talk." She laughed merrily. 'I never saw anyone get so much into their lives, said Polly wistfully.

That's where you're ignorant. All anamiles talks; they commoonicates the news to one another like hoomans. When I've been freightin' from Dodge down towards the Canadian, I had a eight-mule team. As shore as we're walkin' as shore as I'm pinin' for a drink, I've listened to them mules gossip by the hour as we swings along the trail. Lots of times I saveys what they says.

"No," sez he, "and now I must make a choice of her successor. It is a hard job to do," sez he. "No doubt on't," sez I, "no doubt on't!" "Yes, whatever woman I choose, some must be left, pinin' on their stems, to speak poetically. I can't marry every woman, that's plain to be seen."

"Oh, Miss Ruth, honey, I has held ye in my arms when ye was a little baby, toted ye in de garding when de flowers was bloomin', rocked ye to sleep when ye was pinin'; I've seen ye grow to be a woman, and now ye is my missus tellin' me I'm free.

"Miss Hetty a pinin'!" she repeated over and over with bursts of merriment: "Ah, but yez are all alike, ye men. Miss Hetty a pinin'! I'd like to see the man Miss Hetty wud pine fur." Mike and Norah were both right.

Markham had never fainted in her life, but she came very near it that morning, feeling some as she would if the Daisy, dead, so long, had suddenly walked into the room and taken a seat beside her. "I am glad for Dick," she said. "I never saw a man change as he has, pinin' for her. I mean to be good to her, if I can," and Mrs.

"Never having had a child about, I s'pect likely they may," said Mrs. Bates, dryly. "Why, you little fool! I think likely it's the children I am pinin' for most, though I couldn't a-stood it much longer without YOU. Will you get ready and come with me to-day?" "Yes," said Kate, "if I can make it.